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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Philippines - Severe Tropical Storm Kompasu (MDRPH044) Philippines MDRPH044 Cyclone DREF Operation DREF Operation
South Sudan - Hunger Crisis (MDRSS010) Republic of South Sudan MDRSS010 - Contributions List Donor Response
Pakistan - Balochistan Earthquake (MDRPK021) Pakistan MDRPK021 Earthquake DREF Operation DREF Operation
South Sudan - 2021 Floods (MDRSS010) Republic of South Sudan MDRSS010 Flood Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Sudan - Anticipatory Actions for Unrest (MDRSD030) Sudan MDRSD030 Civil Unrest DREF Operation DREF Operation
Somalia - Hunger Crisis 2021-2022 (MDRSO011) Somalia MDRSO011 Drought Operations Update Operations Update
Lithuania - Population Movement (MDRLT001) Lithuania MDRLT001 - DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Zimbabwe - Tropical Storm Eloise (MDRZW015) Zimbabwe MDRZW015 Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Uganda - Floods, Landslides and Hailstorm (MDRUG044) Uganda MDRUG044 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Honduras - Fire (MDRHN015) Honduras MDRHN015 Fire DREF Operation DREF Operation
Georgia - Floods (MDRGE015) Georgia MDRGE015 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Europe - Humanitarian Service Point @ Sea (MDR65005) Hungary MDR65005 Population Movement Operations Update Operations update no.1