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Bangladesh: Cyclone Remal

Severe cyclonic storm Remal made landfall near the Mongla and Khepupara coasts in Bangladesh and West Bengal of India on 26 May 2024. The highest recorded wind speed was 111 km/h on 27 May 2024, and the storm surge, accompanied by extremely heavy rainfall, caused flooding of 5-8 feet in the coastal districts. The IFRC and its membership seek support to reach 650,000 people with life-saving assistance.

Press release

Urgent Aid Needed as Cyclone Remal Ravages Southern Bangladesh

Dhaka/Kuala Lumpur/GenevaThe Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS), supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and others, has a launched an emergency response in the wake of devastation caused by Cyclone Remal. The IFRC launched a CHF 12.5 million Emergency Appeal that aims to assist 650,000 people in the 8 hardest-hit districts with clean water, food, medical aid and cash assistance.Cyclone Remal has left southern Bangladesh in a state of crisis, affecting over 4.59 million people and causing extensive damage to approximately 150,000 households in 19 coastal districts. Making landfall on 27 May near the Bangladesh-India border, the cyclone brought wind speeds of up to 111 km/h and storm surges of 5-8 feet, resulting in severe flooding and prolonged power outages for 27 million people.People were killed, homes destroyed, and the cyclone disrupted infrastructure, including airports in Chittagong and Cox's Bazar, leading to international flight cancellations from Dhaka.Alberto Bocanegra, Head of Delegation for the IFRC in Bangladesh, said,“The devastation caused by Cyclone Remal is immense, and immediate support is vital.Our Emergency Appeal will quickly attend to families with damaged houses, and the provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities. Furthermore, critical assistance will be proved to those severely impacted in terms of livelihoods such as agriculture, fish farming, and marginalized groups, displaced individuals living in collective centers, with relatives, or in others’ houses, and families with vulnerable groups.”“We urge the international community to stand with Bangladesh during this critical time.”Kazi Shofiqul Azam, Secretary General of BDRCS, added, “Our volunteers have been on the ground from the onset, providing critical assistance. Support from our partners and the global community is essential for individuals affected and the community system to recover well.”In Cox’s Bazar, the cyclone caused minor landslides and damaged 500 makeshift shelters, affecting 3,000 individuals. In Bhashan Char, heavy rains led to waterlogging and minor infrastructure damage.Further crisis would emerge if we do not attend to all the above to well.”As the cyclone continues to wreak havoc, the Red Cross Red Crescent network calls for urgent global support to provide essential aid to those affected.Notes to Editors:For more information or to request interviews, please contact: [email protected] In Bangladesh:Areefa Sinha, +8801970089077, Al-Shahriar Rupam, +8801761775075,In Kuala Lumpur:Afrhill Rances, +60192713641In Geneva,Andrew Thomas +41 76 367 6587Tommaso Della Longa + 41 79 708 4367


Menstrual Hygiene Day: After an earthquake destroyed their village, they began stitching their own solutions. It's just one of many stories about our ongoing work on menstrual health.

Words by Joe Baaklini, IFRC Communications OfficerWhen disaster strikes, people are affected in different ways. While shelter, food and water are basic needs for nearly everyone during an emergency, women and girls often find themselves in a particularly vulnerable situation.Often, they find themselves with no access to very essential products that are critical in maintaining their health and well-being: menstrual hygiene supplies.This was the predicament that women and girls in Morocco found themselves in when a 6.8-magnitutde earthquake left a trail of destruction in its wake on September 8, 2023.In the Moroccan village of Ait Youssef, for example, disposable pads were running out, and relying solely on the already strained supply chain wasn't a sustainable solution.To understand the situation and adapt the response to the specific needs of the community, the Moroccan Red Crescent Society (MRCS), supported by the IFRC, decided to talk to the women of Ait Youssef.Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorldIt’s a perfect example of the kind of community work being celebrated on World Menstrual Health Day, which this year carries the themeTogether for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. Two of the key goals is to break down the stigmas and taboos that exist around issues of menstrual health and to ensure that women have access to the products they need.Through focus group discussions, the Red Crescent volunteers discovered that most women in the village used to rely on pads distributed by the MRCS, but some resorted to using old cotton sheets as supplies dwindled.Thus, an innovative plan was hatched: introducing reusable, washable menstrual pads as a sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for menstrual hygiene management.However, producing the reusable pads was no easy feat, as finding the right materials proved challenging. Travelling hundreds of kilometers in search of suitable fabrics, MRCS teams eventually procured the essentials: cotton sheets for comfort, absorbent materials to trap flow, and waterproof fabric to prevent leaks.The teams even had to get a little creative: the waterproof fabric that they found at first was typically used as the covering for sofas, so it was a bit to thick and rigid. So they found and procured thinner, more comfortable variants.With needles, thread, scissors, and pins in hand, IFRC and MRCS staff and volunteers gathered the women of Ait Youssef for a sewing session. The women, with their existing experience, skills and knowledge, proved to be quick learners. Within two short hours, a batch of reusable pads was complete.“The introduction of reusable pads has provided women with a sustainable and cost-effective menstrual hygiene solution,” said Rihab Abou Kalfouni, IFRC Hygiene Promotion Delegate, who worked closely with the women on the project.“We have received positive feedback from a few of the women who have used the pads,” she said. “They reported increased comfort, improved overall well-being in addition to a reduced amount of waste generated by disposable pads.”“Hopefully, we’ll be able to expand this project in the future and include more women in different communities.”Together for a#PeriodFriendlyWorldThe collaboration between the Moroccan Red Crescent Society, the IFRC, and the women of Ait Youssef stands as a testament to the power of localization and community-driven solutions. It’s also a strong example of the ways in which the theme of World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024 — Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld— is being realized on a daily basis by communities, local Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and other partners. In a #PeriodFriendlyWorld, the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation are history and everyone can access the products, education and infrastructure they need.‘Now I feel free … I can go to school’In South Sudan, for example, the South Sudan Red Cross (with support from the Swedish Red Cross), is helping to increase access to sanitary supplies, reduce the stigmas and taboos around menstruation and provide access to clean water for washing and other household use.Not just a women’s issueIn Madagascar, 23-year-old Red Cross volunteer, Valisoa Liesse Razafisalama, has been leading an initiative to challenge societal norms surrounding menstruation. In many post disaster situations, fear of talking about menstruation or other health issues can mean that women do not get the attention, care and supplies they need to stay healthy. Valisoa has organised awareness sessions for both men and women, emphasising the natural and normal aspects of menstruation.“We encourage the equitable inclusion of women in community decision-making, breaking with the trend of prioritizing men,” she says. “We persist in our efforts because as women volunteers, we make significant contributions to the well-being of the communities where we operate.” Ensuring privacy and dignityMenstrual health is also critical in situations where people live in camps or temporary shelters where access to sanitary facilities — public bathrooms and washing areas — are often not adequately private or protected for women and girls.In the massive Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh, where more than one million people live in makeshift shelters without running water or electricity, the Bangladesh Red Crescent (BDRCS) provides water and sanitation services to thousands of people.To ensure those places are as private, safe and comfortable for women as possible, BDRCS water and sanitation teams regularly meet with communities and listen to women’s concerns. Recently, they constructed additional privacy walls around washrooms to enhance privacy and comfort for women and girls.With support form the Swedish Red Cross, the BDRCS also regularly distributes sanitary napkins to female community volunteers who spend long hours working in the camp, where access feminine hygiene products is very limited.Learn more more about Menstrual Hygiene and the IFRC network’s response around the world:Discover even morecase studies from our National Societies’ MHM activities in this collectionExplore our wealth of practical guidance, tools and advocacy resources on menstrual hygieneon our dedicated WASH site hereVisit thededicated WASH page on the IFRC websiteVisit theglobal Menstrual Hygiene Day campaign pagefor more information about this year’s themeContact our Senior Officer for WASH in Public Health, Alexandra Machado, for any MHM-related questions:[email protected]*We recognize that not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman, and that not all women menstruate.


Hope amid the heat: Volunteers like Fatema Khatun help neighbors through sweltering heatwaves in Bangladesh

As the sun blazes mercilessly over Bajakajla Slum in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh, Fatema Khatun vividly remembers her childhood when the weather was different, and life was more comfortable. “When I was in primary school, the temperature was not so high, we had a good life,” she says. “We used to sit by the riverbed and the weather was different. It rained frequently. The temperature was low.” The frequent rains and lower temperatures made playing by the riverbed a joyous pastime. But as time passed, each passing summer seemed hotter and more unbearable. “The average temperature is 42-43 degrees Celsius now,” says 19-year-old Fatema, who lives with her family in a tiny, tin-roofed house. “Sometimes it rises to 45 degrees Celsius. Because of the high temperature, I am facing problems with my eyes. I cannot read correctly.” The heatwaves are particularly hard on the elderly. “I have never seen this kind of heatwave,” says Fatema's 75-year-old grandmother, Shohor Banu Bewa, who feels the impact of the heatwave intensely and struggles to sleep at night. “When the temperature rises, I sit by the riverbed“. Many families, like Fatema's, struggle with itching, rashes, and other heat-related illnesses. And they often lack the resources to cope with the health consequences. “People in our area are poor,” says Fatema. “Most of them work as housekeepers. They face many problems supporting their families and raising children. They cannot provide education, food, and clothes due to poverty.” Hot tin rooves Sayma Khatun Bithi, a community volunteer with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) in Rajshahi adds that the houses are particularly vulnerable to heat. “Those who live in the slum area have their houses made of tin,” says Sayma, who along with Fatema became a volunteer after getting first aid training from BDRCS. “Tin absorbs more heat. The heat has become unbearable for children, the elderly and pregnant women.” To help people living in such vulnerable situations in parts of Rajshahi City, the BDRCS aims to protect residents from the adverse effects of heat waves through a project funded by the European Union, in collaboration with the IFRC, the BDRCS the German Red Cross, and the Danish Red Cross. “The Bangladesh Red Crescent informed us of many things through announcements and radio programs,” says Fatema. “They taught us how to help someone if they fall unconscious due to a heatwave. I listened to the information provided by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society on the radio. I share the information with everyone.” Cooling centers Fatema also got first-aid training from BDRCS and, along with Sayma Khatun Bithi and others, became community volunteers. Abu Md Zubair, a field officer for BDRCS, emphasized the importance of public awareness. His team provided cooling centers, medical facilities, and launched awareness programs, teaching the community how to stay healthy during the heat waves. A community radio program, hosted by Jannatun Nahar Joti, amplified these messages to the entire city. Due to the combined endeavors of people like Fatema Bithi, and organizations like the Red Crescent Society, heat-related illnesses and fatalities began to decrease. Though the heat was unrelenting, people are learning to manage the extreme heat, supporting and caring for each other.


Rising from the ashes in Bangladesh: A new chance at life's dreams after fire in Cox’s Bazar

Amid the vast expanse of bamboo huts in Cox’s Bazar Camp-11, Bangladesh, 14-year-old Mohammad Shahid is in many ways like any average teenager. He loves to play football, he goes to school and he has big dreams for the future. “I want to be a teacher and educate people in my community when I grow up,“ he says, his voice soft yet filled with determination. But this young man’s memories carry far more weight than any teenager should. Memories of fleeing Myanmar, only to end up living in a camp with his parents and sister, and himself—forming a close-knit unit amidst a life of challenges, but where danger is never far away. During one terrifying day, the relative peace of camp life was brutally interrupted by a roaring blaze that tore through their bamboo haven. Shahid remembers the roaring flames consuming the family home and the sounds of despair echoing through the camp. “During the fire incident we started running around and I went missing,” he recalls. “Then after an announcement through the [public address] speaker, my parents found me. I was searching for my parents and was in anxiety and fear.” The family was finally reunited, but the house that had protected them from rain, winds and heatwaves was gone, burnt to the ground along with some 2,000 other homes in the camp. The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and the IFRC swiftly came to their aid. "We provided them various support to build shelters," says Asmat Ullah, a volunteer with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society who himself comes from the displaced community in Cox’s Bazar. “When the fires broke out. Many people suffered. We distributed bamboo, tarpaulin and ropes and necessary support to the families who lost their houses.” A happy ending Shahid’s family says the loss of their house was a huge blow. But Shahid and his family were able to watch as, slowly but surely, bamboo huts began to rise again. Shahid pitched in; his every effort was filled with dreams of a brighter future. “Without a home, we might have suffered from storms and excessive heat,” he says. “And that is why my parents and grandparents show their gratitude. Volunteers from the Red Crescent Society came and built a house for us. We are living happily.“ Tania Akter, a Disaster Risk Reduction Officer from the German Red Cross, highlights the significance of these shelters."Considering the camp context, these shelters are the only shelter for them," she says, adding that these structures provide essential stability for all aspects of a healthy happy life amidst an often very unpredictable backdrop. While the story of the fire ends relatively happily, it’s just one chapter in a story of tremendous upheaval for families like Shahid’s. The young man’s father, Mohammad Hanif, recalls the treacherous journey that led them here. Forced to flee their home in Myanmar, they sought refuge in Bangladesh. "We got houses, and people love us; we have been living in Camp-11 for the last six years," Mohammad Hanif says, his words laced with gratitude for their newfound community. “If the Red Crescent Society had not built us a house, we would have suffered a lot. We might have suffered a significant loss.” Shahid, meanwhile, can once again get back to the things he loves most: being with his family, going to school and pursuing his dream to be a teacher, and of course playing football. Running to kick the ball as rain pours down during a recent football match in the alleys of Camp-11, his voice joins the din of laughter and joy. “I love playing football with my friends,” he says, like any teenager might, a radiant smile shining through the falling rain.

Press release

Cox’s Bazar: the IFRC calls for global support and durable solutions to address pressing needs

Geneva/Kuala Lumpur/Dhaka, 24 August 2023: Six years after displacement from Rakhine State in Myanmar, nearly one million people still reside in Cox’s Bazar camps, and 30,000 people are in Bhasan Char. The situation is dire, with the displaced population continuing to face multiple and simultaneous threats, including fires, climate-related disasters, and epidemics in crowded, temporary shelters. With challenges mounting and resources shrinking, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) calls for sustained global support, particularly for durable solutions and improved settlements. The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, IFRC, and partners, including the Bangladesh government, have assisted over a million people from displaced and host communities. Still, challenges remain for those in congested camps. In the past year, challenges like 33 fire incidents, Cyclone Mocha, and funding shortfalls have heightened vulnerabilities related to malnutrition, security, and education. The IFRC stresses the importance of ongoing investment in settlements and camp management to uphold the dignity of camp residents. Presently, living spaces average 24 sqm per person, falling short of the 30 sqm global standard. While the Red Cross and Red Crescent provide shelters meeting basic requirements, more support is needed to protect vulnerable camp and host community members, ensuring their safety, privacy, and dignity. The Secretary General of Bangladesh Red Crescent, Kazi Shofiqul Azam said: “We stand with the displaced people and the local communities that have generously hosted them in Cox’s Bazar. We’ve witnessed the aftermath of the sufferings caused by flash floods, fire incidents, and the recent Cyclone Mocha in Cox’s Bazar camp. We’ve immediately responded to each disaster and repeatedly rebuilt damaged shelters. With fire incidents on the rise and Cox’s Bazar being highly susceptible to cyclones, there’s a growing need for improved shelter and infrastructure. The resilience of the displaced people from Myanmar has been truly exceptional. They deserve to live with dignity and hope until they can safely repatriate. We remain committed to working alongside them and our partners to collectively alleviate their sufferings.” To date, the Bangladesh Red Crescent has facilitated nearly 2 million health consultations, and over 60,000 families have received 1.1 billion litres of safe drinking water. Despite these efforts, durable solutions remain essential, especially given the challenging living conditions. Continued international support is crucial to ensure that people in these camps can return to their places of origin with dignity once it's safe to do so. The IFRC Head of Delegation in Bangladesh, Sanjeev Kafley, added: “Six years into the crisis, our commitment remains firm. We stand by the many who continue to remain displaced, offering them a helping hand, a compassionate heart, and a voice that echoes their struggle for dignity, and a better tomorrow. As we navigate this protracted crisis, finding durable solutions becomes imperative. Yet, year by year, needs grow while funding gaps widen. This overlooked crisis risks the very services, relief supplies, and healthcare that thousands rely on. Without renewed attention, we risk being forced to prioritize support solely for the most vulnerable. We urge the international community to reengage and support, before lives are further impacted.” The IFRC and Bangladesh Red Crescent have been steadfast in supporting both displaced people and host communities from the beginning. However, the appeal is significantly underfunded. Only 61.5% of the CHF 133.2 million needed has been raised, leaving a gap of over CHF 51.2 million. Learn more about the emergency appeal. For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: [email protected] In Cox's Bazar: Barkat Ullah Maruf, +880 1711222922, SM Taslim Reza, +880 1759004869 In Dhaka: Al-Shahriar Rupam, +880 1761775075 In Kuala Lumpur: Afrhill Rances, +60 192713641 In Geneva: Mrinalini Santhanam, +41 763815006

Press release

Climate situation wreaks havoc in Asia Pacific; causing relentless floods, diseases, and life-threatening heat

Kuala Lumpur/Dhaka/Beijing, 10 August 2023 – Countries across Asia Pacific are reeling from multiple disasters that are wreaking havoc in the region and climate analysts attribute this to a phenomenon called El Niño. The International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) urges authorities and humanitarian organizations to brace for multiple disasters hitting simultaneously, with more intensity. These past few months, the IFRC has released eight Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) allocations for climate related events – three for dengue to Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, three for floods, to Mongolia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, one for a tropical cyclone to Bangladesh, and one for a cold wave event to Mongolia. Although the full impact of the phenomenon is expected in the months of September this year to March next year, many regions in Asia and the Pacific are already facing multiple hazards now, and they all point to a deteriorating climate situation. In Bangladesh, dengue infections have swarmed the nation and there have been almost 30,000 new cases this year, almost 5 times higher than last year's numbers. Moreover, local public health experts confirm that many people are being infected with multiple types of dengue, making the treatment complicated. Sanjeev Kafley, Head of IFRC Bangladesh Delegation says: "We are working closely with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and health authorities to combat the situation. In 85 dengue hotspot wards in the cities of Dhaka, Chattogram, and Barishal, our volunteers are focusing on public awareness and prevention efforts. We are progressing to procure testing kits for our health authorities as well as supporting the availability of platelet concentrate through the blood banks of BDRCS. We are supporting in all intervention points, from life-saving areas to preventative measures." IFRC’s climate mitigation efforts at national levels in different countries are towards improving water management systems, curbing mosquito breeding, strengthening surveillance and monitoring systems to track outbreaks and increase health care capacity to managing cases and providing treatment. Olga Dzhumaeva, Head of IFRC East Asia Delegation says: “Torrential rains and floods hit East Asia severely this summer. North, northeast and some regions in southern China saw one of the largest rainfalls Beijing has experienced in the past 140 years. Capital city Ulaanbaatar and 13 provinces in Mongolia, central parts and many provinces of the Republic of Korea, and in the Kyushu region of Japan also suffered from severe impact of extreme rains in July. As a result, millions of people in East Asia were greatly affected and displaced, and roads, bridges, homes, and infrastructures were very badly damaged, many beyond repair. In responding to the situation, our colleagues and volunteers from National Societies in China, Japan, Mongolia and Republic of Korea have been deployed to the front lines, activating their emergency responses, making every effort to evacuate people trapped by the floods and debris, and urgently sending relief supplies such as blankets, tents, folding beds to the affected areas.” IFRC, National Societies, and its partners believe we equally need to focus on resilience building through inclusion of nature, anticipation, adaptation and mitigation. Early or anticipatory action, for example, whereby funds are proactively allocated based on weather forecasts to support people at risk before disaster strikes is an important emphasis in the context of rapidly increasing climate hazards. Luis Rodriguez, IFRC Asia Pacific, Lead for Climate and Resilience says: “These events were more intense than usual due to the prevailing warming conditions, and this brings heavier precipitations, triggering cyclones, rains, and floods. These climate factors also heavily influence the dynamics of infections. Increased rainfall creates new and conducive habitats for larvae or viruses, and increased temperature accelerates the development of insects carrying viruses and virus incubation time. Severe changes in temperature and precipitation patterns due to climate change will enable the spread and transmission of disease in areas that are currently considered low risk or dengue free. These are all not stand-alone events. They are connected.” In anticipation of more extreme weather events that will hit more regions in the Asia Pacific, national societies together with IFRC are carrying out heavy preparedness measures such as heatwave action planning, simulations and drills, prepositioning of relief stocks, and evacuation and rescue equipment, and urgent refreshers on procedures and regulations for volunteers, staff, and technical teams. Moreover, the DREFs ensure National Societies can act speedily and efficiently and this means millions of lives and livelihoods are saved. For more information or to request an interview, please contact:  [email protected] In Kuala Lumpur: Afrhill Rances, [email protected] , +60 19 271 3641 In Geneva: Anna Tuson, [email protected] , +41 79 895 6924


Together we can #BeatTheHeat

Did you know that heat waves are becoming more frequent, longer, hotter, and deadlier due to climate change? Every year, they put millions of people at risk of heat-related illnesses and claim the lives of thousands of others. But the threats heat waves pose are preventable. And the steps that we can take to protect ourselves, our friends and our families from extreme heat are simple and affordable. Here’s what you need to know about heat waves, what you can do to #BeatTheHeat, and some inspiration from Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. What is a heat wave? A heat wave is an extended period of unusually high temperatures and often high humidity. Exact definitions of a heat wave can vary between countries depending on what temperatures and conditions are normal for the local climate. Heat waves can cause people to suffer from shock, become dehydrated, and develop serious heat illnesses. Heat waves also put people with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases at a high risk. People living in cities and towns tend to be the hardest hit by heat waves because urban areas are generally hotter than the surrounding countryside. What should I do to prepare for a heat wave? We can reliably forecast heat waves in most places, so you usually have time to prepare. Make sure you keep an eye on your local weather forecast and remember the following: Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty Avoid being out in the sun. Find shade or a cool indoor space where possible. Tip: you can use shades or reflective materials on your windows to help keep the heat out of your home. Wear loose, lightweight and light coloured clothing Check on your family, friends and neighbours – particularly if they are elderly or unwell – to make sure they’re okay Eat enough food, ideally smaller and more frequent meals Look out for symptoms of heat-induced sickness - breathlessness, chest pain, confusion, weakness, dizziness or cramps – and seek medical help if needed Watch this short video to learn more or visit our dedicated heat waves page for even more advice. Inspiration from National Societies on how to #BeatTheHeat Last June, in Satmatha, Bangladesh, volunteers from the Bangladesh Red Crescent set up a stage in the heart of the city where they gave creative public performances inspired by heat for Heat Action Day 2022. From poetry to comedy, dance to drama, volunteers performed their hearts out – all in local dialects – to catch people’s attention and teach them all about heat risks. Their performances caused so much of a stir that they made it into national news in print and digital – spreading the word on how to #BeatTheHeat even further! You can watch some clips of their performances here. In the town of Kandi, in West Bengal, India, Indian Red Cross Society volunteers took to the streets last year when temperatures soared. During a severe heat wave that struck the region, they set up purified drinking water points at their branch office, at bus stops, and outside hospitals so that members of the public could rehydrate during the difficult conditions. Making themselves known with big, colourful parasols and giant barrels of water, they brought shade, refreshment and smiles to their local community. In Spain, the Spanish Red Cross has a long history of supporting communities across the country to stay safe during the summer heat. Their volunteers conduct a lot of outreach – through social media, phone calls and street mobilization – to share tips on how people can stay cool. They also check in on older people and people with chronic illnesses who are at particular risk when temperatures rise. And in some regions, volunteers venture out into their communities on really hot days to hand out water, paper fans and caps. Extreme heat doesn’t just put people's health at risk, it can take a big toll on people’s livelihoods, too. In Uruguay this year, prolonged periods of extreme heat and a lack of rain have led to droughts, which are causing huge damage to farming and agriculture. To help communities cope, Uruguayan Red Cross volunteers have been sharing information on how people can protect themselves and their livestock during heat waves. With support from the IFRC’sDisaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF), they’ve also been providing water and sunscreen and are offering cash assistance to families who are most affected. Find out more here. Helpful resources to learn more about heat City heat wave guide for Red Cross and Red Crescent branches Extreme heat: Preparing for the heatwaves of the future – a joint report from the IFRC, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) Heat Toolkit – a collection of posters, social media assets and videos about heat waves produced by the Global Disaster Preparedness Centre

Press release

Cyclone Mocha: Access and time of the essence to help affected families in Bangladesh and Myanmar

Kuala Lumpur/Geneva, 16 May 2023 - The strongest cyclone in the Bay of Bengal in the last 10 years has affected families already internally displaced in Myanmar and living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. Cyclone Mocha crossed the coast between Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh and Kyaukpyu township, near Rakhine’s capital of Sittwe, Myanmar on 14 May with winds estimated as strong as 250 kph, bringing heavy rains, storm surge, flash floods and landslides. In Myanmar, the cyclone has caused significant damages: houses destroyed, electricity lines down, and power and water services disrupted. Resulting storm surges have also knocked out bridges and inundated homes. To date, based on early reports,around 355 households in Yangon, Magway and Ayeyarwaddy Region are reported affected,while initial reports from Chin State also highlight damages,and more than 130,000 people were evacuated to temporary shelters.Widespread devastation has been reported in Rakhine State, impacting public and private infrastructure, destroying homes and livelihoods. While reports from the field continue to come in, and rapid assessments are carried out, needs are expected to be high and affected people will require immediate relief items, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene needs, emergency healthcare and psychosocial support. Families who have been separated will need to be reconnected.The potential for communicable disease outbreaks is high, while landmines and other explosive remnants of war pose further risks as flooding and landslides can carry the devices to locations previously deemed safe. More than 800 Red Cross volunteers and staff have respondedaround the country and emergency response teams have also been deployed. Pre-positioned relief stock items are beingsent to the Myanmar Red Cross hub inRakhine to cover 2,000 households. IFRCand its members aresupporting the Myanmar Red Cross Society in scaling up disasterresponsemeasures to support affected communities along Cyclone Mocha’s path, as well as those affected by storm surges all along the country's extensive coastline. Nadia Khoury, IFRC Head of Delegation in Myanmar said: “The potential scale of the devastation is overwhelming, covering a huge area of the country. Hundreds of thousands of people will have been left in a highly vulnerable situation, just as the monsoon season is due to start.We are working withthe Myanmar Red Cross,our partners in-country and the International Committee of Red Cross regarding areas that need access and resource mobilisation for a coordinated response, providing strategic, operational, financial, technical, and other support. With its presence in every affected township through its branches and volunteers, the Myanmar Red Cross will be providing multi-sectoral assistance to seek to best meet the needs of affected populations." Access in Rakhine and the Northwest remains heavily restricted, while the level of damage inruraland other hard-to-reach areas, especially camps for internally displaced people, is still unknown due to the interruption of phone and internet lines. In Bangladesh, while the cyclone caused massive destruction on Saint Martin Island and the adjacent coastal area of Cox’s Bazar, it was less impactful than anticipated. While assessments are ongoing, it has been reported so far that nearly 3,000 households are affected and 10,000 households partially damaged. More than 8,000 Red Crescent volunteers were deployed to support the affected community in Bangladesh before Cyclone Mocha made landfall and 76,000 Cyclone Preparedness Programme volunteers were prepared in coastal areas for any complex situation. Volunteers are currently on the ground in affected areas, rescuing people, providing emergency relief items, medical support, safe drinking water and other support. Sanjeev Kafley, IFRC Head of Delegation in Bangladesh, said: “The IFRC and its wide network have been supporting Bangladesh Red Crescent in its rescue and relief activities, working closely with the national society to ensure that the people affected by Cyclone Mocha receive the necessary assistance. Our teams are on the ground in affected Cox’s Bazar camps and other coastal areas and assessing the evolving situation.” The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has launched an emergency appeal focusing on relief provisions and early recovery assistance in Myanmar's hardest-hit areas of 7,500 most vulnerable households (37,500 people) particularly in Rakhine, Chin, Magway, Ayeryawaddy, and Sagaing. For more information or to request an interview, please contact: [email protected] In Kuala Lumpur: Afrhill Rances, +60192713641 In Geneva: Anna Tuson, +41 79 895 6924 Tommaso Della Longa, +41 79 708 4367

Press release

Bangladesh fires: Thousands of homes, schools, hospitals, and water networks burnt in Cox's Bazar

Cox’s Bazar/ Kuala Lumpur, 06 March 2023: A massive fire that broke out in the afternoon of 5th March has razed at least 2,000 houses, leaving nearly 12,000 people homeless in the Camp 11 of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, the world’s largest refugee camp. Located in the Ukhiya sub-district where at least three water networks serving 16,000 people, five learning centers, and three health facilities were burnt to ashes, among other infrastructure, the fire rapidly spread to 15 sub-blocks of the camp. The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) responded immediately, supporting fire-fighting operations and evacuations. At least 200 volunteers from the camps trained by BDRCS, along with the Fire Service and Civil Defense team of Cox’s Bazar, finally doused the flames by late evening. BDRCS is delivering 1,000 tents for immediate relief and distributing food parcels, blankets and mosquito nets in coordination with the Refugee, Relief and Repatriation Commissioner of the Government of Bangladesh to the affected people. Belal Hossain, Head of Operations for the Population Movement Operation of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) in Cox’s Bazar said: “Given the dry season and frequent winds, the fire spread rapidly. Thanks to our trained volunteers and preparedness plans –we responded immediately supporting evacuations, providing food, water, and emergency shelter. Such frequent fires bring needless suffering to the camp residents who are already displaced for more than five years now.” Around one million people displaced from Rakhine State, Myanmar, live in the crowded camp settlement, supported by the Government of Bangladesh and humanitarian agencies, including BDRCS and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Hrusikesh Harichandan, Head of Sub-Delegation of the IFRC said: ‘‘This fire is a devastating blow to thousands of families who saw their hard work of the past five years turn to ashes. Several families have lost everything they own. We need greater coordination to establish better, more humane living conditions for them.We are giving emergency aid to support their resilience in the face of such disasters.” The BDRCS, along with the IFRC, has trained nearly 3,300 volunteers across the 33 camps to act as first responders during emergencies. They have undergone firefighting drills and other disaster preparedness training while awareness-raising activities to prepare for disasters are regularly held for camp residents. IFRC and BDRCS are collaborating with other humanitarian agencies to determine the needs. In addition, community health volunteers have been activated, and contingency stocks have been mobilized to support those affected. As part of the ongoing Population Movement Operations, the BDRCS, with the assistance of IFRC, other Red Cross and Red Crescent partners, and UNHCR, has supported nearly one million people in the camps and host communities with healthcare, access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene, safer shelter and livelihoods. For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: Cox's Bazar: Barkat Ullah Maruf, +880 1711 222922, [email protected] Sabrina Idris, +880 1710-840327, [email protected] Dhaka: Mahmudul Hasan, +880 1716-103333, [email protected] Kuala Lumpur: Afrhill Rances, +60 19 271 3641 [email protected]

Press release

Nearly 1 million still await life at the world largest displacement camp

Kuala Lumpur/ Dhaka, 22 Aug 2022: This 25 August marks five long years of the massive displacement of people from Rakhine state of Myanmar, who crossed the border into Bangladesh. The protracted crisis now stands at colossal number of displaced people in the camp – 936,733 people – who are completely reliant on humanitarian assistance to meet their everyday needs in the world’s largest camp in Cox’s Bazar. At the beginning of this humanitarian crisis, the Government of Bangladesh called on Bangladesh Red Crescent Society to respond to the emergency in line with Red Crescent’s mandate to provide humanitarian services as auxiliary to the public authorities. In response, an international operation was launched in Cox's Bazar with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and its RCRC partners, called Population Movement Operation. The Secretary General of Bangladesh Red Crescent, Kazi Shofiqul Azam said: “The crisis had already tipped into a complex protracted displacement crisis a while ago. Top priorities must go to long-term solutions, balancing the initiatives in the camps and to the neighbouring host community. “We are calling for long-term commitment and resources that are very much needed to address this crisis. Children make up almost a 51 per cent of the camp population, while women and girls represent almost 52 per cent of the population. One in three displaced families has at least one easily identifiable protection vulnerability, such as human trafficking, underage marriage, sexual exploitation and abuse. Many sustainable initiatives that were implemented at the camp have been lifesaving for the people there such as mid-term shelters or durable housing, solar-powered water supply networks, and disaster mitigation activities. However, the people there remains completely dependent on humanitarian assistance to meet daily and longer-term needs. Asia Pacific Regional Director of IFRC Mr. Alexander Matheou said: “What you see on the surface in the camps has improved over five years thanks to the work of the government of Bangladesh and multiple national and international partners. “But below the surface, in people's lives, where the future is uncertain and there is no work or movement, there are less obvious but important risks - of depression, trafficking, violence, including gender-based violence. With no durable solutions in sight, the humanitarian response needs to focus on recreation and protection as much as lifesaving needs. The situation is further compounded by the fact that Cox’s Bazar sits right on the path of cyclones, and hence is constantly subject to seasonal flash floods, devastating cyclones and heavy rainfall that cause landslides, severe water logging, shelter damages; frequent fire incidents; potential outbreaks of cholera, dengue and diphtheria. Also due to the sheer number of people there, epidemics such as cholera and COVID are a huge day-to-day threat. The IFRC Head of Delegation in Bangladesh, Sanjeev Kafley said: “This is one of IFRC’s largest, most complex humanitarian support in Bangladesh. For the last five years, the IFRC and many partner National Societies have been supporting Bangladesh Red Crescent in ensuring the protection and extended humanitarian support for the camp. “Considering COVID-19 experience, the IFRC is focusing on institutional preparedness. The IFRC’s strategy of supporting the displaced and host communities in Cox’s Bazar includes integrated community resilience, social inclusion and readiness for effective response till 2024; for now. Bangladesh Red Crescent, with the support of IFRC and Participating National Societies (PNS), will maintain and look to scale up its efforts to meet the urgent humanitarian needs and keep the hundreds of thousands of families safe through a range of life saving humanitarian assistance including shelter, health, PSS, wash, livelihood, DRM as well as emergencies and disaster response. The protection, gender and inclusion and community engagement and accountability are mainstreamed in our operation ensuring people at the center of our action. For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: Cox's Bazar: Barkat Ullah Maruf, +880 1711 222922, [email protected] Sabrina Idris, +880 1710-840327, [email protected] Dhaka: Mahmudul Hasan, +880 1716-103333, [email protected] Kuala Lumpur: Rachel Punitha, +60 19 791 3830, [email protected]

Press release

Millions in Bangladesh impacted by one of the worst floodings ever seen

Kuala Lumpur/Dhaka, 28 June 2022 -Record-breaking floods in Bangladesh have wreaked havoc as an estimated 7.2 million people have been affected and are in desperate need of shelter and emergency relief items in the north-eastern region of the country. From early in the month of June, torrential rain and upstream water have completely submerged around 94 per cent of the town of Sunamganj and 84 per cent of Sylhet districts, in northeastern Bangladesh, bordering the Meghalaya state of India. Parts of Meghalaya have experienced the highest amount of rainfall in decades, which has led to overflowing of large river systems running between India and Bangladesh and completely swallowing surrounding areas. Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Secretary General Kazi Shofiqul Azam said: “We have never seen this sort of flooding in our living memories in that region. Hundreds of thousands of people took refuge as their houses went under water and almost all their neighborhoods inundated. Large parts of Sunamganj and Sylhet were completely cut off due to severe disruption of road communication and power cuts. “Our volunteer teams were on the ground helping people with much needed dry foods, cooked food, safe drinking water. Bangladesh Red Crescent has launched a strategy involving USD 10 million to carry out relief and recovery operations in the affected areas.” While Sylhet and Sunamganj have almost been cut off from other parts of the country, multiple districts nearby including Netrokona, Kishoreganj are also experiencing floods. Bangladesh Red Crescent Society teams are also providing food package to last at least two weeks, heath care services through mobile medical teams, hygiene and dignity kits and tarpaulins and jerrycans. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) haslaunched an emergency appeal for CHF 7.5 million (USD 7.8 million) to support the Bangladesh Red Crescent to scale up and expand reach of its localized response and recovery efforts to prevent and alleviate the suffering of 300,000 people affected by the recent floods. IFRC Head of Bangladesh Country Delegation Sanjeev Kafley said: “Within just a month, Sylhet and Sunamganj have been flooded and the scale of devastation this time is so much more than the previous ones. We are scaling up our operations alongside Bangladesh Red Crescent due the urgency of the situation. The greater focus is on the urgent needs of the affected population for first three months by expanding and scaling up the response of Bangladesh Red Crescent. After that, recovery assistance will also be provided ensuring that the affected population will self-recover from the crisis in a sustainable way and strengthen their resilience to impending disasters.” For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: In Dhaka: Mahmudul Hasan, +880 1716 103333, [email protected] Raqibul Alam, +880 1714069707, [email protected] In Kuala Lumpur: Rachel Punitha, +60 3 9207 5700, [email protected]

Press release

South Asia: Omicron threatens to overwhelm health systems

Kuala Lumpur/Delhi, 12 January 2022: The Omicron variant is fuelling a rapid surge of COVID-19 across South Asia that threatens to overwhelm health systems still reeling from a deadly wave of the Delta variant last year. Countries across South Asia from India to Nepal and Bangladesh are reporting alarming increases in COVID-19 infections, with India alone reporting a 2,013 per cent increase in COVID-19 infections in the past month, with cases now topping 179,000 in a day. The new wave is causing further misery for hundreds of millions of people across South Asia, already living in extreme poverty, exacerbated by COVID-19 over the past two years. Udaya Regmi, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Head of Delegation, South Asia, said: “This latest surge of COVID-19 spells immense danger for millions of people and health systems across South Asia. Omicron is spreading fast and while vaccination rates have been soaring, after such tragic loss of life last year, fear is mounting of record infection rates. “People everywhere want this pandemic to end but we must boost efforts to keep people safe with the basics, by wearing masks, avoiding crowds, and getting fully vaccinated where possible.” Last year, health systems were boosted by IFRC with increased supplies of oxygen equipment across South Asia, helping health authorities to be prepared for this latest COVID-19 surge. Several million Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers are working hard to provide people most at risk with access to lifesaving medical care, testing and vaccinations. In South Asia, a majority of countries have vaccinated less than 50 per cent of their population, putting people at greater risk of developing severe illness and requiring hospitalisation. India has fully vaccinated 45 per cent of its population, while Pakistan has 32.8 per cent and Bangladesh 33 per cent who have received two jabs, according to Oxford University’s Our World in Data. Dr Abhishek Rimal, IFRC’s Asia Pacific Emergency Health Coordinator, said: “The Omicron variant appears to have milder symptoms than the Delta variant, but it is more infectious, so high case numbers are still leading to thousands of people being hospitalised and hundreds are dying. “We must accelerate efforts to get everyone vaccinated, and it’s critical to wear masks and avoid crowds, to keep families, friends and people most vulnerable safe. “To avoid endless waves of this deadly virus, we need vaccines to be available to everyone, in every country, especially for people who have not yet had their first dose and those most at risk, including older people and healthcare workers.” For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: Asia Pacific Office: Antony Balmain, +60 12 230 8451, [email protected] South Asia Delegation: Arabella Seebaluck, +12349000801, [email protected] Asia Pacific Office: Courtney Wilson, +61 481 150 973, [email protected]

Press release

Bangladesh: Greater efforts needed to keep people safe on Bhashan Char

Kuala Lumpur/Dhaka/Geneva, 23 November 2021: Urgent action is being taken to keep people safe from cyclones and the COVID-19 pandemic on Bhashan Char Island. COVID-19 vaccinations have been underway for people aged over 55 on the island, and more doses are due for the remaining adults. Around 18,000 people displaced from Rakhine, Myanmar, have been relocated by authorities from camps in Cox’s Bazar to sturdier homes on Bhashan Char. Bangladesh Red Crescent has been working directly with displaced people so that lifesaving measures are in place ahead of the next big cyclone, as big storms regularly threaten the area from September until December. Feroz Salah Uddin, Secretary General of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society said: “Every effort is being made on Bhashan Char Island to improve living conditions and support people to be well prepared to take early lifesaving action ahead of any super cyclones. Volunteer teams have been trained in early warning action drills, first aid, search and rescue, and managing cyclone shelters. “Our teams have been helping with COVID-19 vaccinations for older people most at risk of the disease while helping everyone to stay safe and healthy with clean water, food relief packs, hygiene kits, and access to healthcare.” The IFRC is appealing for 86 million Swiss Francs to provide critical immediate and longer-term humanitarian support for the nearly one million displaced people living in the camps in Cox’s Bazar and those on Bhashan Char Island, including safer shelter, healthcare, improved access to clean water and sanitation and protecting people from the growing risks of climate disasters. In recent weeks, Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers have helped vaccinate more than 1,000 people aged over 55, and more vaccinations are planned as soon as vaccines become available. Alexander Matheou, Asia Pacific Director, international Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said: “Everyone living on Bhashan Char Island needs to feel safe and every effort needs to be made to enable Bangladesh to have a fair share of COVID-19 vaccines. This is a critical part of enabling Bangladesh to manage the responsibility of hosting such a large number of displaced people.” “The IFRC has revised its Emergency Appeal for the next three years, to help meet the growing humanitarian needs in Cox's Bazaar and Bhashan Char, including risks from climate disasters. There is a critical 75 million Swiss Francs funding gap. After meeting the Bangladesh State Minister of Disaster Management and Relief, Alexander Matheou said: "Beyond immediate humanitarian assistance, it is clear that we must work together to support safety, livelihoods, recreation and overall well-being of people experiencing such a long and traumatic displacement.” Alexander Matheou is visiting Bhashan Char with the leadership of Bangladesh Red Crescent today. Read and download the revised Emergency Appeal here. For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: In Dhaka: Sajid Hasan, +880 1673 019617, [email protected] Mahmudul Hasan, +880 1716 103333, [email protected] In Kuala Lumpur: Antony Balmain, +60 12 230 8451, [email protected]


Bangladesh: Population movement

Several years since the mass displacement of people from Rakhine, Myanmar into Bangladesh began, the vast majority of those displaced (an estimated 896,879 people) are completely reliant on humanitarian aid to meet their everyday needs. The IFRC and Bangladesh Red Crescent (BDRCS) have been supporting both displaced people and host communities since the very start of this protracted crisis. Our revised appeal marks a new phase of our support to the BDRCS to help them provide wide-ranging assistance to people in Cox's Bazar and on Bhashan Char island.

Press release

More than 139 million people hit by climate crisis and COVID-19, new IFRC analysis reveals

New York, Geneva, 16 September 2021 – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate-related disasters have affected the lives of at least 139.2 million people and killed more than 17,242. This is the finding of a new analysis published today by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, on the compound impacts of extreme-weather events and COVID-19. A further estimated 658.1 million vulnerable people have been exposed to extreme temperatures. Through new data and specific case studies, the report shows how people across the world are facing multiple crises and coping with overlapping vulnerabilities. The paper also highlights the need of addressing both crises simultaneously as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected livelihoods across the world and has made communities more vulnerable to climate risks. The IFRC President, Francesco Rocca, who today presented the new report at a press conference in New York, said: “The world is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis where the climate change and COVID-19 are pushing communities to their limits. In the lead up to COP26, we urge world leaders to take immediate action not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to address the existent and imminent humanitarian impacts of climate change”. The report comes a year after an initial analysisof the overlapping risks of extreme-weather events that have occurred during the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic continues to wreak havoc, with direct health impacts for millions of people around the world, but also a massive indirect impact, in part due to the response measures implemented to contain the pandemic. Food insecurity caused by weather extremes has been aggravated by COVID-19. Health systems are pushed to their limits and the most vulnerable have been the most exposed to overlapping shocks. In Afghanistan, the impacts of the extreme drought are compounded by conflict and COVID-19. The drought has crippled agricultural food production and diminished livestock, leaving millions of people hungry and malnourished. The Afghan Red Crescent Society has ramped up relief, including food and cash assistance for people to buy food supplies, plant drought-resistant food crops and protect their livestock. In Honduras, responding to hurricanes Eta and Iota during the pandemic, also meant additional challenges. Thousands of people became homeless in temporary shelters. Anti-COVID-19 measures in those shelters required physical distancing and other protective measures, which limited capacity. In Kenya, the impacts of COVID-19 are colliding with floods in one year and droughts in the next, as well as a locust infestation. Over 2.1 million people are facing acute food insecurity in rural and urban areas. In the country and across East Africa, the COVID-19 restrictions slowed down the flood response and outreach to affected populations increasing their vulnerabilities. Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies around the globe are not only responding to those overlapping crises but also helping communities to prepare and anticipate climate risks. In Bangladesh for instance, the Red Crescent Society has used IFRC’s designated funds for anticipatory action to disseminate flood related Early Warning Messages through loudspeakers in vulnerable areas so people can take the necessary measures or evacuate if necessary. Julie Arrighi, associate director at the RCRC Climate Center said: “Hazards do not need to become disasters. We can counter the trend of rising risks and save lives if we change how we anticipate crises, fund early action and risk reduction at the local level. Finally, we need to help communities become more resilient, especially in the most vulnerable contexts.” The COVID-19 pandemic has had a lasting impact on climate risks. Governments need to commit to investing in community adaptation, anticipation systems and local actors. “The massive spending in COVID-19 recovery proves that governments can act fast and drastically in the face of global threats. It is time to turn words into action and devote the same energy to the climate crisis. Every day, we are witnessing the impact of human-made climate change. The climate crisis is here, and we need to act now,” Rocca said. Download the paper:The compound impact of extreme weather events and COVID-19 For more information or to arrange an interview, contact: In Geneva: Tommaso Della Longa, +41 79 708 43 67, [email protected] Marie Claudet, +33 786 89 50 89 , [email protected]

Press release

Mass COVID-19 vaccinations kick off in Bangladesh camps

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 10 August 2021:Vaccinations have begun for people in the camps for displaced people, amid a record COVID-19 surge in Bangladesh and a widening global vaccine divide. The vaccination campaign begins on 10 August with priority for people aged 55 and over covering 48,000 camp residents. About 500 Bangladesh Red Crescent staff and volunteers are working under the Population Movement Operation (PMO) and the Myanmar Refugee Relief Operation (MRRO), in collaboration with UNHCR and health authorities, in the urgent rollout all over the 34 camps. There are more than 900,000 people living in the densely populated camps. Many people face ongoing health issues, limited access to hygiene facilities and safe water. Existing health clinics were already stretched to the limit, even before the COVID-19 epidemic. The Delta variant has driven surging infections across the country, with around 20,000 infections and 200 deaths recorded in the Cox’s Bazar district so far. A national positivity rate of around 30 per cent indicates the spread of COVID-19 is much higher, especially with cramped conditions and the risks faced by many people living in the camps. M.A. Halim, Head of Operations, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society in Cox’s Bazar, said: “This pandemic is inflicting a terrible toll on every aspect of people’s lives and has been compounded by recent floods and fires that have swept through the camps. Vaccinating is more important than ever to prevent illness and more loss of life in Cox’s Bazar. “Thousands of trained Red Crescent volunteers are playing a key role supporting vaccinations in the camps and all over the country including at our health clinics and door to door to encourage people to get vaccinated.” Hrusikesh Harichandan, Head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Cox’s Bazar sub-office, said: “People in these camps are living in the shadow of the global vaccine divide. Widespread vaccinations are critical to contain this deadly virus. We need united efforts by national agencies and international organisations to help vaccinate all adults in the camps. “Vaccinations are vital for families to live with dignity because staying home is so tough for people in these cramped camps and most still have limited access to water and sanitation facilities, escalating risks from COVID-19.” Less than 3 per cent of the population in Bangladesh has been fully vaccinated and Bangladesh Red Crescent is working alongside health authorities to help vaccinate millions of people across the country over the next week. As part of a coordinated humanitarian effort, Red Cross Red Crescent has already established 14 healthcare facilities, helping to meet health needs of people living in the Cox’s Bazar camps. As part of the ongoing Population Movement Operation which began in 2017 and the MRRO which began in 1992, the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, with the assistance of IFRC, other Red Cross Red Crescent partners and UNHCR, is providing both camp residents and host communities living on the periphery of the camps with healthcare, improved access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation services, shelter, livelihoods and other essential needs, along with reducing risks in disasters and protection support for women and those most at risk. In total, from the start of operations in 2017, Bangladesh Red Crescent has supported over 1 million people. For more information, please contact: In Cox’s Bazar: Ibrahim Mollik, +880 16 74 330863, [email protected] Sabrina Idris, +8801 763777999, [email protected] In Asia Pacific Office: Antony Balmain, +60 12 230 8451, [email protected] In Wellington: Ellie van Baaren, +64 21 774 831, [email protected] In Geneva: Teresa Goncalves, +44 7891 857 056, [email protected]

Press release

Bangladesh: Delta fuels deadly COVID-19 surge amid crippling vaccine shortfalls

Kuala Lumpur/Dhaka/Geneva, 06 July 2021:Urgent action is needed to increase COVID-19 vaccine supplies for Bangladesh as hospitals reach capacity and oxygen supplies run short across the country. The deadly Delta COVID-19 variant is spreading fast in urban and rural areas across Bangladesh stretching the entire health sector beyond its limits. Hospitals in areas of Bangladesh bordering India are experiencing a sharp rise in infections and deaths. In the capital Dhaka, around 78 per cent of infections have been identified as caused by the Delta strain according to the Government of Bangladesh. Nearly one in three people (29%) tested is positive with COVID-19 pointing to much higher infection rates across the country. After a promising start earlier this year, Bangladesh was forced to halt all vaccinations due to a shortage in supply. Around 3 per cent of the Bangladesh population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 compared with half the population of countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, according to Oxford University'sOur World in Data. Feroz Salah Uddin, Secretary General of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society said: “The recent spike of COVID-19 infections in Bangladesh is deeply alarming and it is being fuelled by the more infectious and deadly Delta strain, with hundreds of people dying a week. “Bangladesh Red Crescent has ramped up ambulance services and efforts to help reduce death and suffering due to this dangerous virus. Our volunteers are working alongside health authorities to accelerate vaccinations, but a crippling shortage in supply is hurting progress.” Bangladesh Red Crescent teams are helping people with free ambulance services 24 hours a day, in 10 high-risk districts and providing oxygen cylinders across the country. Cooked food and other relief are also being provided to people who have lost their jobs or income. More than 13,500 Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers are working across the country to help with vaccinations, medical care, providing masks and running public information campaigns on the importance of staying safe from COVID-19. Sanjeev Kafely, Head of IFRC Bangladesh Delegation said: “It’s critical that richer countries share more vaccines with Bangladesh in the coming days and weeks to help avoid the horrors caused by COVID-19 in India. “COVID-19 is having devastating impacts on millions of people in Bangladesh, with many losing their incomes and livelihoods. Mass vaccination is the key to ending the spiralling deaths, infections and hardships caused by this virus in Bangladesh and everywhere around the world.” The IFRC is seeking vital funding for its global emergency COVID-19 appeal, with around 55% of the appeal covered so far. The funds are crucial to support the lifesaving actions of the IFRC and member Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies around the world.

Press release

Refugees are paying the highest price in the COVID-19 pandemic

Geneva, 18 June 2021 – Ahead of World Refugee Day on 20 June, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) raises the alarm about the situation of refugees who are facing severe humanitarian hardships, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Jagan Chapagain, IFRC Secretary General, said: “Vulnerable groups, such as refugees, are paying the highest price in the COVID-19 pandemic. We are seeing alarming trends that show many refugees around the world are unable to pay for food or rent and are struggling to access health care and education. “Refugees have been disproportionately affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and have often been left out of socio-economic support policies. A large number of refugees have lost their sources of income or depleted their savings and are now adopting negative strategies to survive.” In Bangladesh, latest analysis carried out in refugee camps in Cox's Bazar by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society – with support from the IFRC – reveals that communities are struggling to cover their essential needs, particularly due to COVID-19 related movement restrictions, health issues, restricted access to markets, and a recent major fire in the camps. Price hikes in local markets and further displacement caused by camp fires have pushed many families further into food insecurity. During April and May, around 30,000 refugees in the Cox's Bazar camps raised questions and concerns, with 63% seeking services, including urgent food relief and shelter. Just over one third (37%) requested health or medical care. In the past year, reduced presence of humanitarian organizations in the camps due to COVID-19 restrictions also led to an increase in child labour, sexual and gender-based violence and heightened risk of human trafficking. In addition, an increase in child marriage has been observed since the start of the pandemic, often seen as an alternative to education or work. In Colombia, border closures, movement restrictions and loss of livelihoods led to limited access to food and accommodation, with many refugees and migrants – most of whom are from Venezuela - eating only once per day. 18% of those surveyed by the Red Cross Red Crescent Global Migration Lab cited food security and malnutrition as the biggest risks for children during the pandemic. In Turkey, a recent study – conducted by the Turkish Red Crescent and the IFRC – indicates that, among the 4,500 refugee households surveyed[1], debt levels have increased by nearly 50% over the last year. Even more alarming is the fact that many families are unable or can barely afford to pay for what they need most, such as food (72%) and rent (66%). However, cash assistance provided by the EU-funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) is helping refugees to cover some of these costs. In order to cope with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, refugees are increasingly relying on survival strategies, such as reducing food consumption, buying cheaper and less nutritious food, buying food on credit and borrowing money from relatives and friends. These strategies have negative consequences on health and well-being and contribute to worrying levels of food insecurity and skyrocketing debts for refugees. “Nobody should be forced to choose between giving their family food or paying their rent; nor face hunger or forced evictions,” said Jagan Chapagain. “Governments should work together with donors, international and multilateral organizations, private sector and civil society to effectively mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups, such as refugees and migrants. It's our shared responsibility to ensure that everyone can meet their most essential needs”. -- [1] Households receiving cash assistance from the EU-funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) are identified as “eligible” in the Intersectoral Vulnerability Study, while those not receiving support are “ineligible”. In Turkey, refugees are officially recognized as “foreigners who are under international protection or temporary protection”.

Press release

Record COVID surge crashes into South Asia

Kuala Lumpur/Delhi, 16 April 2021–A humanitarian calamity is engulfing South Asia as COVID-19 skyrockets across several countries setting new records, with more than 200,000 people infected per day. South Asia is fast becoming the new global epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic. This deadlier and more infectious new wave is overwhelming hospitals and social systems, heaping more distress on hundreds of millions of people already experiencing poverty and hardship. On 15 April 2021 India recorded more than 200,700 cases in a day, more than double the country’s previous peak and the highest of any country in the world right now. Bangladesh is recording almost 50 per cent more deaths per day than its previous peak in June 2020. Pakistan’s daily cases are spiking, with the highest ever COVID-19 daily death rate. Udaya Regmi, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Head of Delegation, South Asia, said: “The speed with which the virus is spreading in our region is truly frightening. Over 1.5 million people are sick with COVID-19 in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan combined and that’s 50 times how many were sick one month ago. “Thousands of lives are being lost, this is a tragic warning to all countries, that every effort must be maintained and we cannot afford to relax in containing this deadly Coronavirus. “The impact on frontline workers is catastrophic. Thousands of Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers have stepped-up efforts to help the elderly and those most at risk with access to lifesaving medical care, testing and vaccinations. Millions already face extreme poverty and we’re helping with food, water and other relief.” There is growing evidence from health authorities that more virulent COVID-19 variants are fuelling this current surge in South Asia. Dr Abhishek Rimal, IFRC’s Asia Pacific Coordinator for Emergency Health, said: “Several countries in South Asia have already reported the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants of concern from the UK and South Africa, which are more infectious and are increasing hospitalisation, putting a massive burden on the health system. “As we enter the second year dealing with the pandemic it’s understandable that many people are sick of the restrictions and want to resume normal life. We must redouble our efforts to contain this disease as too many lives are at stake. “We must place every effort to resource health workers and hospitals so people who are suffering receive the healthcare they need. This is a wakeup call to the world. Vaccines must be available to everyone, everywhere, rich and poor to overcome this terrible pandemic.”

Press release

Bangladesh: International relief needed on Bhasan Char Island

Kuala Lumpur/Dhaka, 29 March 2021 – International support is needed to maintain humanitarian services for more than 13,000 people who have been relocated to Bhasan Char island from Cox’s Bazar. This appeal follows an independent visit by representatives from the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to Bhasan Char. The visit team found that the Government of Bangladesh has made progress on Bhasan Char in terms of the development of infrastructure. However, it also found urgent investment is needed to ensure that women and children are adequately protected, and that food security, health care and schooling is assured both in the short and longer-term. Furthermore, while evacuation centres are in place to keep people safe from disasters, there remain concerns that the island could be exposed during the upcoming cyclone season and that systems are further strengthened to manage the potential isolation caused by storms. Feroz Salah Uddin, Secretary General, Bangladesh Red Crescent said: “After nearly four years living in precarious camps in cramped conditions, many people are relocating to the island of Bhasan Char and we are providing a range of relief services at this critical time. “Bangladesh Red Crescent is working with authorities to deliver food packages, hygiene items, sanitation and health services to thousands of people on the island for the coming months.” The IFRC urges the Government of Bangladesh, humanitarian agencies and international donors to do everything possible to keep people displaced from Rakhine State safe and able to live with dignity, wherever they are located, including on Bhasan Char. Sanjeev Kafley, Bangladesh Head of Delegation, IFRC, said: “With the cyclone season fast approaching, people on Bhasan Char could become stranded with a shortage of food when major storms strike, leaving the sea passage impassable, in turn denying the delivery of relief, medicines and other vital supplies. “Everyone relocating must have access to all of the essentials for a healthy life, including nutritious food, hygiene items such as soap, along with health and medical care. Women and children must be afforded protection from violence and other risks. “People who are now living on Bhasan Char have been through so many hardships and they deserve opportunities for a fulfilling life, with opportunities to start new livelihoods and access to education and other activities,” Mr Kafley said.

Press release

Huge rescue and relief effort as fire razes Bangladesh camps

Kuala Lumpur/Cox’s Bazar/Geneva, 23 March 2021 – The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society has launched one of its biggest ever rescue and relief efforts in the camp settlement in Cox’s Bazar after a deadly fire razed several thousand camp houses. More than 1,000 Red Crescent staff and volunteers worked through the night with fire fighters, camp residents and other agencies to rescue people and douse the fire that has left thousands of people homeless. An estimated 123,000 people live in the camps affected by the huge blaze. M. A. Halim, Head of Operation in Cox’s Bazar for the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society said: “It is heart breaking to see how destructive a fire can be in such a short time. As soon as this terrible blaze started, our teams rushed to the area to help fight the fire, rescue people in danger, evacuate thousands to safety and provide immediate relief.” “We are providing relief through food and water, and erecting emergency shelters for people who have lost their homes. These devastating fires will require even greater efforts by all agencies in the coming weeks, particularly as the cyclone season approaches.” Close to 900,000 people displaced from Rakhine State, Myanmar, live in the crowded camp settlement, supported by the Government of Bangladesh and humanitarian agencies including Bangladesh Red Crescent and the IFRC. Sanjeev Kumar Kafley, Head of Delegation in Bangladesh for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), said: “This is a terrible blow to some of the most resilient people on earth. Many people fled to Bangladesh after having their homes burnt to the ground. After setting up a new life, thousands now face more hardship and uncertainty. “The volunteers and fire-fighters who have put out these fires and evacuated people to safety are real heroes as they have saved countless lives. These fires are a brutal blow for camp residents, compounding frightful hardship caused by COVID-19.” Among the first responders were some 600 camp residents trained under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme, a joint effort of the Bangladesh government and the Bangladesh Red Crescent to prepare and respond to cyclones as well as other emergencies. The 600 are part of a total of 3,400 trained volunteers living in all 34 of the Cox’s Bazaar camps. As part of the ongoing Population Movement Operation which started in 2017 and Myanmar Refugee Relief Operation, which started in 1992, the Bangladesh Red Crescent with the assistance of IFRC, other Red Cross and Red Crescent partners and UNHCR, is providing both camp residents and host communities living on the periphery of the camps with healthcare, access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene, safer shelter, livelihoods and along with protection support for women and those most at risk. In total, from the start of operations in 2017, the Bangladesh Red Crescent has supported about 1 million people.

National society

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society


Early action key as South Asia copes with four crises in one year

In South Asia, more than 25 million people have been battling four crises in one year. Floods came as COVID-19 and climate change worsened poverty and loss of livelihoods. Thousands of villages have been submerged for months. In north Bangladesh, homes and crops have been destroyed four times. Some of the worst floods in decades followed a cyclone that already caused widespread devastation. Ahead of these disasters, Red Cross and Red Crescent has twice provided early action emergency cash, helping more than 35,000 people most at risk to evacuate safely and recover quicker. This forecast-based action is also being embraced by the United Nations and other agencies as a critical step to address the growing needs of millions of people at the mercy of climate disasters. Millions have been living in tarpaulin shelters on road sides and any high ground available, as their homes have been under water for months. At one point more than half of Bangladesh was submerged. The floods have also affected millions of farmers, destroying crops and threatening to push millions of people, already badly impacted by COVID-19, further into poverty and food insecurity. These floods are testing the resilience of some of the world’s most fragile communities, who have long been trying to escape poverty. Having borrowed money to build a home for his young family only four months ago, 35-year-old Sumon is now faced with a repair bill he can little afford, and ongoing unemployment due to the floods and COVID-19. Khadiza, 19, was forced to leave her house with her two sons – three-months and two-and-a-half years old – when the floodwaters submerged their village in northern Bangladesh. The country has seen three devastating monsoon flood seasons in the past four years. In 2019, more than seven million people were swamped while in 2017 over eight million people were severely affected, losing homes and livelihoods. These floods and water-borne diseases that follow in their wake are putting increased pressure on health-care systems stretched to the limit and struggling to cope with COVID-19. Red Cross and Red Crescent health teams are supporting the most at risk communities to have access to basic healthcare. Janina Begum, 60, came back from her roadside tarpaulin shelter to check on her home that had been submerged for two months. While some people are looking to rebuild, Bangladesh’s monsoon season is far from over and the threat of new flooding hangs in the air. These threats have multiplied with climate disasters happening more often in Asia, the most disaster-prone area in the world. Asharam, 60 unpacks relief items after returning to his home that had been completely submerged in Mahangu Pure village, Uttar Pradesh, northern India. More than 20 million people have been devastated by the floods in India, mainly in Assam, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, with many already poorer communities losing their homes and livelihoods. Indian Red Cross and Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers are doing all they can to provide relief in the most difficult circumstances they have ever faced. The volunteers say they have a duty to support people, who are tackling growing hardships caused by the floods, poverty, COVID-19 and the increasing effects of climate change. Mossamet Sahera, 60, had her home washed away. Sahera was living in a small hut next door to her sister. Her husband left her when she was young because she had a physical disability. Sahera and her sister face an uncertain future. Photos: AJ Ghani (Bangladesh), Rohan Chakravarty (India) and Emon Arafin, (Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers).


Dreams, hopes and fears in the Bangladesh camps

By Farid Alam, 21-year-old resident of Kutupalong camp, whose parents fled Rakhine, Myanmar nearly 30 years ago. Farid is a Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteer working alongside international Red Cross operations. When I was born in Kutupalong camp, Bangladesh, it was a very different place. I remember laughing and flying kites as a child with my friends. Kites are not flying around our camps anymore. There is little laughter. Just months ago, we lived in a different world. We used to go outside a lot, seeking freedom from our little bamboo and plastic homes. But now, due to COVID we cannot. Often we are told to stay inside. It’s hot and cramped as I have a big family, with nine of us living in one room. Physical distance is just not possible in our homes. It’s the same for most living here. We have hardly any masks and other protective equipment in the camps. We have no idea how we are surviving. Most people in the camps do not seem to care about much, certainly not COVID-19. Our main worries are our dignity, our safety and having hope for our future. We are not only fighting with the coronavirus here. We are fighting much more. I know about COVID-19 but most people in the camps have not heard of it. Many don’t know what a virus is. We have seen many organizations using loudspeakers to make people aware of coronavirus. It doesn’t work. They speak so fast and move past too quickly. Our community Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers are doing a great job going door to door. I’m seeing people understand now. It helps a lot. I see this place full of suffering. From dawn to dusk, we endure challenges: finding food, repairing our homes, keeping safe or seeking water. Our lives are filled with limitations. Most of us do not have the opportunity to read and write. When I can, I pass the time reading. I love history and English literature. Ever since my childhood, I wanted to be a teacher. I studied up to my eighth year as we were not allowed more education than that. It was very difficult to accept. Since then I have been studying by myself. It would be my dream to become a teacher. But my life has become very difficult lately as my father is sick. For many years, my 48-year-old father volunteered with Bangladesh Red Crescent operations in the camps. Our whole family was dependent on his allowance and aid we received. He has developed heart problems and other health complications. Since I was 14, I have been volunteering with Red Crescent. I have been working as much as possible, around two weeks a month and I am paid a small allowance. This money is all we have. I want to support my family with all my heart. I am trying to protect my family from COVID-19. My parents came here after fleeing from Rakhine in Myanmar nearly 30 years ago. Every day I worry for my mother, who suffers from chronic kidney disease. Our shelters are getting old. The bamboo frames, plastic and tarpaulins are wearing out. When it rains, water often pours into our homes. It’s the monsoon season now and it’s raining a lot so it is very hard to sleep. We often wait in a queue to access a toilet and bathing area. It’s shared with 25-30 people. My mother and sister fear going out at night to use the toilet. There is no lighting and they must go in complete darkness. Often I go for support. Things are worse in the mud of the monsoon rains. Staring at the roof of our shelter, I hear the sound of people speaking nonstop. We have no personal space. No privacy whatsoever. As if life is not hard enough, there are mice and rats as big as cats. They often make more holes in our tarpaulins. I find time to help my neighbour’s children reading and writing. I teach them maths, Arabic and English. I love teaching them. I don’t want children in my community to lose their future. Since official teaching activities have been halted, I think the children will forget the lessons they have been taught by their teachers in the past. I also speak to them about the risks we face with COVID-19. If I were a citizen of any country, I could finish my education. I would love to pursue a higher education. If I could become a teacher and work, I would love to better support my family. But I am not that lucky person. I am stuck here. I do not know what will happen to me and my family in the coming days. Whatever happens, we will face it together. All I want is to forget everything and start a new life. Earn a little to survive and live a very simple life with my family.