Press releases

Mali: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement strongly condemns killing of two Red Cross aid workers

Mali: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement strongly condemns killing of two Red Cross aid workers

| Press release

IFRC, WWF call for global action to protect nature to save lives and address climate crisis

IFRC, WWF call for global action to protect nature to save lives and address climate crisis

| Press release

IFRC urges governments and humanitarian partners to protect lives ahead of an active hurricane season in the Americas

IFRC urges governments and humanitarian partners to protect lives ahead of an active hurricane season in the Americas

| Press release

ASEAN and the IFRC partner to strengthen community resilience in Southeast Asia

ASEAN and the IFRC partner to strengthen community resilience in Southeast Asia

| Press release

Americas: IFRC launches regional plan to provide 2.2 million migrants and displaced people with humanitarian assistance and protection

Americas: IFRC launches regional plan to provide 2.2 million migrants and displaced people with humanitarian assistance and protection

| Press release

IFRC report: Goals for poverty reduction, decent work and closing inequality gap, stalled by COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean

IFRC report: Goals for poverty reduction, decent work and closing inequality gap, stalled by COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean

| Press release

IFRC president: Ethnicity and nationality should not be deciding factors in saving lives

IFRC president: Ethnicity and nationality should not be deciding factors in saving lives

| Press release

Red Cross extends support to families separated by violence and conflict

Red Cross extends support to families separated by violence and conflict

| Press release

Global COVID-19 Summit: “World leaders must step up and ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to vaccines, tests and treatments.”

Global COVID-19 Summit: “World leaders must step up and ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to vaccines, tests and treatments.”

| Press release

Syria remains in crisis – the world, and donors, must not turn away now

Syria remains in crisis – the world, and donors, must not turn away now

| Press release

Horn of Africa: IFRC Secretary General visits Kenya as worst drought in 40 years looms for millions 

Horn of Africa: IFRC Secretary General visits Kenya as worst drought in 40 years looms for millions 

| Press release

Vaccinations vital as COVID cripples Pacific countries

Vaccinations vital as COVID cripples Pacific countries

| Press release