
A deadly start to 2024: Cholera in Zimbabwe spreads rapidly after holiday season

A deadly start to 2024: Cholera in Zimbabwe spreads rapidly after holiday season

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Uganda: School Health Club helps students and communities stay safe from diseases

Uganda: School Health Club helps students and communities stay safe from diseases

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Hunger crisis: ‘Now I can take care of my own family’

Hunger crisis: ‘Now I can take care of my own family’

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Kazakhstan: ‘Early action’ helps people stay warm through deadly cold snaps

Kazakhstan: ‘Early action’ helps people stay warm through deadly cold snaps

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Statement: IFRC condemns killing of Ethiopian Red Cross ambulance driver

Statement: IFRC condemns killing of Ethiopian Red Cross ambulance driver

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Statement: The IFRC condemns the killing of four members of Palestine Red Crescent Society in Gaza 

Statement: The IFRC condemns the killing of four members of Palestine Red Crescent Society in Gaza 

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Afghanistan: Three months after Herat earthquake, an urgent need for shelter

Afghanistan: Three months after Herat earthquake, an urgent need for shelter

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Statement: IFRC condemns the attacks on Al-Amal Hospital and urges increased respect for the protective Red Crescent emblem

Statement: IFRC condemns the attacks on Al-Amal Hospital and urges increased respect for the protective Red Crescent emblem

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Off the radar: Ten disasters of 2023 you’ve likely never heard of

Off the radar: Ten disasters of 2023 you’ve likely never heard of

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Libya: A sudden flash flood took their lives, but their volunteer spirit lives on

Libya: A sudden flash flood took their lives, but their volunteer spirit lives on

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Nigeria: A community response that is saving lives

Nigeria: A community response that is saving lives

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Israel: Magen David Adom ambulance crews bring critical life-saving care despite the dangers

Israel: Magen David Adom ambulance crews bring critical life-saving care despite the dangers

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