News, press releases and speeches

IFRC launches multiregional plan to ramp up humanitarian assistance to migrants and displaced people

IFRC launches multiregional plan to ramp up humanitarian assistance to migrants and displaced people

| Press release

Young volunteers step up in Europe

Young volunteers step up in Europe

| Article

IFRC: Delta variant a huge threat in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia

IFRC: Delta variant a huge threat in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia

| Press release

Hundreds of Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers responding to wildfires across Europe

Hundreds of Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers responding to wildfires across Europe

| Press release

A “ray of hope” at a garment factory in Kyrgyzstan

A “ray of hope” at a garment factory in Kyrgyzstan

| Article

Farouk – a war refugee helping the most vulnerable in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Farouk – a war refugee helping the most vulnerable in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Canary Islands, Spain: Saving lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Canary Islands, Spain: Saving lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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COVID-19, life and death with the mobile brigade in Kyrgyzstan

COVID-19, life and death with the mobile brigade in Kyrgyzstan

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A true hero of a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit in Hungary

A true hero of a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit in Hungary

| Article

Red Cross Red Crescent sounds the alarm over deadly combination of heat and COVID-19

Red Cross Red Crescent sounds the alarm over deadly combination of heat and COVID-19

| Press release

Refugees are paying the highest price in the COVID-19 pandemic

Refugees are paying the highest price in the COVID-19 pandemic

| Press release

North Macedonia: Migrant women find support in each other

North Macedonia: Migrant women find support in each other

| Article