News, press releases and speeches

Drowning just below the surface: New IFRC research reveals magnitude of socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic

Drowning just below the surface: New IFRC research reveals magnitude of socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic

| Press release

Afghanistan faces collapse of health services and mass hunger

Afghanistan faces collapse of health services and mass hunger

| Press release

Somalia: Three million face starvation and disease, warns IFRC, as it calls for swift action

Somalia: Three million face starvation and disease, warns IFRC, as it calls for swift action

| Press release

A “ray of hope” at a garment factory in Kyrgyzstan

A “ray of hope” at a garment factory in Kyrgyzstan

| Article

Myanmar: Red Cross ramps up response as humanitarian crisis deepens

Myanmar: Red Cross ramps up response as humanitarian crisis deepens

| Press release

No more excuses! The next disaster is coming, what are you doing about it?

No more excuses! The next disaster is coming, what are you doing about it?

| Article

Comfort after the storm

Comfort after the storm

| Article

From goats to gourmet

From goats to gourmet

| Article

Houda's dream: Building a new life in Türkiye through food

Houda's dream: Building a new life in Türkiye through food

| Article

Behind Mongolia’s COVID-19 success is a story of lost livelihoods

Behind Mongolia’s COVID-19 success is a story of lost livelihoods

| Article

East Africa: Red Cross raises the alarm over a “triple menace” of floods, COVID-19 and locusts

East Africa: Red Cross raises the alarm over a “triple menace” of floods, COVID-19 and locusts

| Press release

"Finally I can see some light"

"Finally I can see some light"

| Article