News, press releases and speeches

Hiding from bullets in a water tank: Kenyan evacuee who fled Sudan shares her story

Hiding from bullets in a water tank: Kenyan evacuee who fled Sudan shares her story

| Article

IFRC statement at the High-Level Pledging Event for Sudan and the Region

IFRC statement at the High-Level Pledging Event for Sudan and the Region

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IFRC statement at the Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region pledging conference

IFRC statement at the Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region pledging conference

| Article

Hellenic Red Cross volunteers support survivors of deadliest shipwreck off Greece this year

Hellenic Red Cross volunteers support survivors of deadliest shipwreck off Greece this year

| Press release

Fleeing Syria and surviving the Türkiye earthquake: Houda’s secret ingredients for resilience

Fleeing Syria and surviving the Türkiye earthquake: Houda’s secret ingredients for resilience

| Article

Secretary General speech at the Inter American Conference 2023

Secretary General speech at the Inter American Conference 2023

| Speech

From Sierra Leone to the Darien: migrants cross continents for a better future

From Sierra Leone to the Darien: migrants cross continents for a better future

| Article

New shipment of IFRC humanitarian aid arrives in Port Sudan amid conflict

New shipment of IFRC humanitarian aid arrives in Port Sudan amid conflict

| Press release

Polish Red Cross Infoline offers care and support to people fleeing Ukraine

Polish Red Cross Infoline offers care and support to people fleeing Ukraine

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Darien new record: As migration increases, so must support

Darien new record: As migration increases, so must support

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IFRC increases support in Sudan to assist people in at-risk locations and on the move

IFRC increases support in Sudan to assist people in at-risk locations and on the move

| Press release

Ukraine one year on: seven things to know about the ongoing humanitarian crisis

Ukraine one year on: seven things to know about the ongoing humanitarian crisis

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