News, press releases and speeches

World Refugee Day: Syrian refugees in Jordan stitch a new life through skills training and education

World Refugee Day: Syrian refugees in Jordan stitch a new life through skills training and education

| Article

Statement by IFRC President Kate Forbes to the International Conference on the Humanitarian Response for Gaza

Statement by IFRC President Kate Forbes to the International Conference on the Humanitarian Response for Gaza

| Speech

Taking action on heat: Getting ahead of extreme heat by taking their message to the streets

Taking action on heat: Getting ahead of extreme heat by taking their message to the streets

| Article

Mohammed Alburai: Born in a refugee camp in Gaza, he became a double refugee when he sought safety for his family in Slovenia. Now he helps other refugees for the Slovenian Red Cross.

People in the Red Vest:
Season 2,
Episode 9

Mohammed Alburai: Born in a refugee camp in Gaza, he became a double refugee when he sought safety for his family in Slovenia. Now he helps other refugees for the Slovenian Red Cross.

People in the Red Vest:
Season 2,
Episode 9
| Podcast

The IFRC is saddened by the killing of another two members of Palestine Red Crescent Society

The IFRC is saddened by the killing of another two members of Palestine Red Crescent Society

| Article

Menstrual Hygiene Day: After an earthquake destroyed their village, they began stitching their own solutions. It's just one of many stories about our ongoing work on menstrual health.

Menstrual Hygiene Day: After an earthquake destroyed their village, they began stitching their own solutions. It's just one of many stories about our ongoing work on menstrual health.

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Untold stories: Behind the headlines, hoping for the best while preparing for the worst

Untold stories: Behind the headlines, hoping for the best while preparing for the worst

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World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: Lebanese Red Cross offers relief and a ray of hope for migrant shipwreck survivors

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: Lebanese Red Cross offers relief and a ray of hope for migrant shipwreck survivors

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Statement: IFRC appalled by the killing of another Palestine Red Crescent colleague

Statement: IFRC appalled by the killing of another Palestine Red Crescent colleague

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Gaza: A family of volunteers, helping others while they themselves cope with the hard realities of conflict

Gaza: A family of volunteers, helping others while they themselves cope with the hard realities of conflict

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Statement: IFRC mourns the loss of another Palestine Red Crescent staff member

Statement: IFRC mourns the loss of another Palestine Red Crescent staff member

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IFRC statement on the closure of Al-Amal Hospital in Gaza

IFRC statement on the closure of Al-Amal Hospital in Gaza

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