The IFRC is saddened by the killing of another two members of Palestine Red Crescent Society

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IFRC flag

Photo: IFRC

With deep sorrow, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) confirms the death of two Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) paramedics.

Haitham Tubasi and Suhail Hassouna were both working on duty in a clearly marked PRCS ambulance when it was hit on 29 May. Both were killed at the scene in the Tal Al-Sultan area, west of Rafah.

The IFRC sends its deepest condolences to their families, friends, and colleagues at the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the IFRC network has lost 24 members while on duty. 20 staff and volunteers of the Palestine Red Crescent Society have been killed and 4 from Magen David Adom in Israel.

We are devastated at these losses.  Protecting humanitarian workers is a legal and moral obligation.

The level of human suffering in Rafah and overall in the Gaza Strip is unconscionable.

More than one million people, including PRCS volunteers and staff, have fled multiple times in search of safety with no access to basic services.

We call on all parties to take measures to protect humanitarian workers and end the human suffering.

Visit our In memoriam page to homage their service and their sacrifice.

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