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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Turkey, Greece & Other Countries - Pop. Mvt (MDR65003) Hungary MDR65003 Population Movement Final Report MDR65003 - Final Report (N-F)
Senegal (MAASN002) Senegal MAASN002 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_Senegal
Gambia (MAAGM002) Gambia MAAGM002 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_Gambia
Cameroon - Population Movement (MDRCM027) Cameroon MDRCM027 Population Movement Final Report MDRCM027efr
Lesotho - Drought (EAP2022LS01) (MDRLS006) Lesotho MDRLS006 Drought DREF/EAP Summary EAP2022LS01
Gabon (MAAGA002) Gabon MAAGA002 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_Gabon
Equatorial Guinea (MAAGQ002) Equatorial Guinea MAAGQ002 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023 Equatorial Guinea
Sao Tome and Principe (MAAST002) Sao Tome And Principe MAAST002 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_Sao Tome & Principe
Guinea Bissau - Fire incident Menegue (MDRGW004) Guinea-Bissau MDRGW004 Fire DREF Operation MDRGW004do
Kenya - Anticip. Actions EVD Outbreak (MDRKE052) Kenya MDRKE052 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRKE052du1
Zimbabwe - Measles (MDRZW018) Zimbabwe MDRZW018 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRZW018du2
Philippines - Tropical Storm Agaton (MDRPH046) Philippines MDRPH046 Cyclone DREF Operation MDRPH046dfr