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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Central African Republic - Population Movement from Sudan (MDRCF030) Central African Republic MDRCF030 Population Movement DREF Operation MDRCF030do
Myanmar - Cyclone Mocha (MDRMM018) Myanmar MDRMM018 Cyclone Emergency Appeal MDRMM018_EA
Myanmar - Cyclone Mocha (MDRMM018) Myanmar MDRMM018 - Contributions List Donor Response
Zimbabwe - Tropical Depression Ana (MDRZW017) Zimbabwe MDRZW017 Cyclone DREF Operation Final Report MDRZW017dfr
Gambia - IDPs West Region (MDRGM015) Gambia MDRGM015 Population Movement DREF Operation Final Report MDRGM015dfr
Rwanda - Floods and Landslides (MDRRW022) Rwanda MDRRW022 Flood DREF Operation MDRRW022do
Afghanistan - Humanitarian Crises (MDRAF007) Afghanistan MDRAF007 Complex Emergency Operations Update Humanitarian Crises OS Operations Update 8
Malawi - Cholera (MDRMW017) Malawi MDRMW017 Epidemic Operations Update MDRMW017eu2
Iraq - Flash Floods (MDRIQ014) Iraq MDRIQ014 Pluvial/Flash Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRIQ014fr
Africa - Hunger Crisis (MGR60001) Kenya MGR60001 Food Insecurity Operations Update MGR60001eu3
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Revision MGR65002 REA
South Sudan - Population Movement from Sudan (MDRSS013) Republic of South Sudan MDRSS013 Population Movement DREF Operation MDRSS013do