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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Poland 2024 Unified Plan (UPL-2024-MAAPL001) Poland UPL-2024-MAAPL001 - IFRC Network Plan Poland_INP_2024
Guatemala - Civil Unrest (MDRGT021) Guatemala MDRGT021 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report MDRGT021fr
Haiti - Floods June 2023 (MDRHT020) Haiti MDRHT020 Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRHT020fr
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Operations Update MGR65002_Operations Update_10_Two-Year Report
Gabon - Windstorm (MDRGA010) Gabon MDRGA010 Storm Surge DREF Operation Final Report MDRGA010dfr
Honduras - dengue (MDRHN019) Honduras MDRHN019 Epidemic DREF Operation Final Report MDRHN019fr
Panama - Civil Unrest (MDRPA018) Panama MDRPA018 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report MDRPA018fr
Armenia - Population Movement (MDRAM012) Armenia MDRAM012 Population Movement 6 month update MDRAM012ou4
Guatemala - Floods EAP (MDRGT024) Guatemala MDRGT024 Flood DREF/EAP Summary EAP2024GT02 Summary
Brazil - Floods (MDRBR011) Brazil MDRBR011 Flood Operational strategy MDRBR011os
Somalia - Floods (MDRSO018) Somalia MDRSO018 Flood DREF Operation MDRSO018do
Burundi - Floods and Landslides (MDRBI020) Burundi MDRBI020 Flood DREF Operation Update MDRBI020ou3