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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
St Vincent & Grenadines - La Soufrière Volcano (MDRVC005) Saint Vincent And The Grenadines MDRVC005 Volcanic Eruption Final Report MDRVC005fr
Sri Lanka - Dengue Outbreak & Floods (MDRLK017) Sri Lanka MDRLK017 Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRLK017dfr
Philippines – Mt Mayon Imminent Eruption (MDRPH051) Philippines MDRPH051 Volcanic Eruption DREF Operation Final Report MDRPH051dfr
Marshall Islands - Storm Surge (MDRMH003) Marshall Islands MDRMH003 Storm Surge DREF Operation MDRMH003do
Ethiopia - Cholera Outbreak (MDRET028) Ethiopia MDRET028 Cholera DREF Operation Final Report MDRET028dfr
Sudan Crisis Regional Population Movement (MDRS1001) Kenya MDRS1001 Population Movement 6 month update MDRS1001eu3
South Africa - Storm Surge (MDRZA016) South Africa MDRZA016 Storm Surge DREF Operation MDRZA016do
Comoros - Civil Unrest (MDRKM010) Comoros MDRKM010 Civil Unrest DREF Operation MDRKM010do
Indonesia 2024 Unified Plan (UPL-2024-MAAID002) Indonesia UPL-2024-MAAID002 - IFRC Network Plan Indonesia_INP_2024
Libya - Flood Storm Daniel (MDRLY005) Libya MDRLY005 Flood Operations Update MDRLY005OU1
Zimbabwe - Cholera Outbreak (MDRZW021) Zimbabwe MDRZW021 Cholera Operations Update MDRZW021eu1
Ecuador - Floods (MDREC023) Ecuador MDREC023 Flood DREF/EAP Update MDREC023ou