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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Sierra Leone - EVD Outbreak (MDRSL009) - MDRSL009 - Contributions List
Senegal - EVD Outbreak (MDRSN018) - MDRSN018 - Contributions List
Liberia - EVD Outbreak (MDRLR005) - MDRLR005 - Contributions List
Guinea - EVD Outbreak (MDRGN012) - MDRGN012 - Contributions List
Mali - EVD Outbreak (MDRML015) - MDRML015 - Contributions List
Mauritania - Food Insecurity (MDRMR011) - MDRMR011 - Contributions List
Africa Region - Locust upsurge (MDR60005) - MDR60005 - Contributions List
Southern Africa - Drought (Food Insecurity Crisis) (MDR63003) - MDR63003 - Contributions List
Central AFrican Republic - Floods (MDRCF025) - MDRCF025 - Contributions List
Central America - Dengue Outbreak (MDR42005) - MDR42005 - Contributions List
Bangladesh - Monsoon Floods (MDRBD022) - MDRBD022 - Contributions List
Hurricane Irma- Americas - IB01092017 All other disaster and emergencies Information Bulletin