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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Croatia - Earthquake (MDRHR004) Croatia MDRHR004 Earthquake 6 month update 6 month update
Zambia - Dam Spillage (MDRZM013) Zambia MDRZM013 Pluvial/Flash Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
South Africa - Urban Violence (MDRZA010) South Africa MDRZA010 Complex Emergency DREF Operation DREF Operation
Indonesia - Earthquakes and Tsunamis (MDRID013) Indonesia MDRID013 Earthquake Preliminary Final Report Operations Update No. 27 - Lombok Operations
Europe - Humanitarian Service Point @ Sea (MDR65005) Hungary MDR65005 - Contributions List
Tigray Crisis - Population Movement (MDRTIGRAY) Ethiopia MDRTIGRAY Population Movement Operations Update Operations Update
Palau - Typhoon Surigae (MDRPW001) Palau MDRPW001 Cyclone DREF Operation Update DREF Ops Update 1
Europe - Humanitarian Service Point @ Sea (MDR65005) Hungary MDR65005 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Somalia - Hunger Crisis 2021-2022 (MDRSO011) Somalia MDRSO011 Drought Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Somalia - Hunger Crisis (MDRSO011) Somalia MDRSO011 - Contributions List Donor Response
Dem Rep Congo - Floods in Saké (MDRCD031) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD031 Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
COVID-19 Outbreak (MDRCOVID19) Switzerland MDRCOVID19 - Operations Update Operations Update 23 - 16 month update