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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
INP_2023_Iraq (MAAIQ002) Iraq MAAIQ002 - IFRC Network Plan IFRC Network Plan 2023 for Iraq
INP_2023_Democratic Republic of Congo (MAACD002) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MAACD002 - IFRC Network Plan IFRC Network Plan 2023 for the Democratic Republic of the Congo
INP_2023_Iran (MAAIR002) Iran, Islamic Republic Of MAAIR002 - IFRC Network Plan IFRC Network Plan 2023 for Iran
Sudan - Kala-Azar emergency cases increase 2022 (MDRSD031) Sudan MDRSD031 Epidemic DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Africa - Hunger Crisis (MGR60001) Kenya MGR60001 Food Insecurity Operational strategy Operational Strategy
Cape Verde - Drought (MDRCV003) Cape Verde MDRCV003 Drought DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update no. 2
Eswatini - Storm Surge (MDRSZ003) Kingdom of Eswatini MDRSZ003 Storm Surge DREF Operation DREF Operation
Lebanon - Elections Preparedness (MDRLB011) Lebanon MDRLB011 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Sri Lanka - Extreme Weather (MDRLK015) Sri Lanka MDRLK015 Flood DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Greece - Wildfires (MDRGR004) Greece MDRGR004 Fire DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Cuba - Hurricane Ian (MDRCU008) Cuba MDRCU008 Cyclone Operations Update Operations Update no. 1
Saint Lucia - Flash Floods (MDRLC005) Saint Lucia MDRLC005 Pluvial/Flash Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation