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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Nepal - Monsoon Floods and Landslides (MDRNP009) Nepal MDRNP009 Flood Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Pakistan - Dengue Outbreak KP (MDRPK014) Pakistan MDRPK014 Epidemic DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Ethiopia - Drought (MDRET016) Ethiopia MDRET016 Drought Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision no. 3
Botswana - Floods (MDRBW004) Botswana MDRBW004 Flood DREF Operation DREF operation report
Uruguay - Drought (MDRUY003) Uruguay MDRUY003 Drought DREF Operation DREF Operation
Colombia - Population Movement (MDRCO014) Colombia MDRCO014 - Contributions List
Papua New Guinea - Volanic Activity (MDRPG007) Papua New Guinea MDRPG007 Volcanic Eruption DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Colombia - Population Movement (MDRCO014) Colombia MDRCO014 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
NIGERIA - Lassa Fever Outbreak (MDRNG023) Nigeria MDRNG023 Epidemic DREF Operation DREF operation
Bangladesh - Cyclone Mora (MDRBD019) Bangladesh MDRBD019 Cyclone Operations Update Operations Update 1
Niger - Population Movement (MDRNE013) Niger MDRNE013 Population Movement Final Report Appeal Final Report
Zambia - Cholera Outbreak (MDRZM011) Zambia MDRZM011 Epidemic DREF Operation Update DREF Update