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Nom Localisation Code d'appel Type de catastrophe Appeal type Orig. type Date
Sierra Leone - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRSL005) Sierra Leone MDRSL005 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update 39
Guinea - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRGN007) Guinea MDRGN007 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update 38
Liberia - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRLR001) Liberia MDRLR001 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update 37
Sudan - Floods (MDRSD023) Sudan MDRSD023 Flood Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
DPR Korea: Floods Korea, Democratic People'S Republic Of 0 Flood Information Bulletin Information bulletin no. 1
India - Floods (MDRIN017) India MDRIN017 Flood DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Namibia - Food Insecurity (MDRNA009) Namibia MDRNA009 Food Insecurity Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision 1
Italy: Earthquake Europe IB31082016 Earthquake Information Bulletin Information Bulletin no. 3
Sudan - Population Movement (MDRSD022) Sudan MDRSD022 Population Movement 12 month update 12 month update
Ethiopia - Drought (MDRET016) Ethiopia MDRET016 Drought 6 month update 6 Month Update
Dem Rep Congo - Epidemics: Yellow Fever, Cholera, (MDRCD018) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD018 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update no. 1
Laos - Floods (MDRLA004) Lao People'S Democratic Republic MDRLA004 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation