
Suscribirse a la lista de correo para recibir actualizaciones
Nombre Localización Código del llamamiento Tipo de desastre Appeal type Orig. type Fecha
Zika Virus Disease Global Response (MDR42003) Panama MDR42003 Epidemic Operations Update Operation Update no. 1
Croatia - Population Movement (MDRHR002) Croatia MDRHR002 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision No. 1
Policy and Programme Support (MAA00029) Switzerland MAA00029 - Mid-Year Report LTPF MYR Programme Services
LTPF_2012_Programme Services Strategy and Coordina (MAA00029) Switzerland MAA00029 - Long-Term Planning Framework PSD revised LTPF 2012-2015
Russia - Floods (MDRRU020) Russian Federation MDRRU020 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Policy and Programme Support (MAA00029) Switzerland MAA00029 - Annual Report Programme Services Annual Report 2014
Policy and Programme Support (MAA00029) Switzerland MAA00029 - Annual Report Annual Report 2012
Policy and Programme Support (MAA00029) Switzerland MAA00029 - Annual Report Programme Services- Annual Report 2013
Kyrgyzstan - Earthquake (MDRKG011) Kyrgyzstan MDRKG011 Earthquake DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Slovenia: Population Movement (MDRSI002) Slovenia MDRSI002 Population Movement Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report
Sudan - Population Movement (MDRSD022) Sudan MDRSD022 Population Movement Operations Update Operation update no.4
Papua New Guinea - Drought (MDRPG005) Papua New Guinea MDRPG005 Drought Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report Preliminary final report