
Suscribirse a la lista de correo para recibir actualizaciones
Nombre Localización Código del llamamiento Tipo de desastre Appeal type Orig. type Fecha
Philippines – Mt Mayon Imminent Eruption (MDRPH051) Philippines MDRPH051 Volcanic Eruption DREF Operation MDRPH051do
Zimbabwe - Cholera Outbreak (MDRZW021) Zimbabwe MDRZW021 Epidemic DREF Operation MDRZW021do
Uganda - Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak (MDRUG047) Uganda MDRUG047 Epidemic 6 month update MDRUG0476m
Sudan - Africa Complex Emergency (MDRSD033) Sudan MDRSD033 Complex Emergency Operational strategy MDRSD033_OS1
Nepal - Dengue (MDRNP014) Nepal MDRNP014 Epidemic DREF Operation MDRNP014do
MENA Coordination - Sudan Population Movement Crisis (MDRS5001) Lebanon MDRS5001 - Contributions List Donor Response
Libya- Population Movement from Sudan (MDRLY003) Libya MDRLY003 - Contributions List Donor Response
Africa Coordination - Sudan Population Movement Crisis (MDRS1002) Kenya MDRS1002 - Contributions List Donor Response
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Audited Financial Statement MGR65002afs22
Armenia - Population Movement (MDRAM010) Armenia MDRAM010 Population Movement DREF Operation Final Report MDRAM010dfr
Sierra Leone - Election Preparedness (MDRSL015) Sierra Leone MDRSL015 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation MDRSL015do
Georgia - Floods (MDRGE016) Georgia MDRGE016 Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRGE016dfr