
Suscribirse a la lista de correo para recibir actualizaciones
Nombre Localización Código del llamamiento Tipo de desastre Appeal type Orig. type Fecha
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Flash Floods and Mud Slides (MDRMK006) Republic of North Macedonia MDRMK006 Pluvial/Flash Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Nepal - Earthquake (MDRNP008) Nepal MDRNP008 Earthquake Operations Update Operation Update 6 (Budget revision only)
Sudan - Population Movement (MDRSD022) Sudan MDRSD022 Population Movement Operations Update Operations Update no.1
Philippines - Typhoon Haiyan (MDRPH014) Philippines MDRPH014 Cyclone Operations Update Operation update no. 13
Serbia - Population Movement (MDRRS011) Serbia MDRRS011 Population Movement DREF Operation DREF Operation
Lebanon - Population Movement (MDRLB004) Lebanon MDRLB004 Population Movement Operations Update Lebanon: Population Movement, Operations Update 2
India - Floods (MDRIN015) India MDRIN015 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
East Africa - Ebola Preparedness (MDR64007) Ethiopia MDR64007 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 3
Africa - Ebola Coordination and preparedness (MDR60002) Kenya MDR60002 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 25
Guinea - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRGN007) Guinea MDRGN007 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 26
Liberia - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRLR001) Liberia MDRLR001 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 26
Sierra Leone - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRSL005) Sierra Leone MDRSL005 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 27