
Suscribirse a la lista de correo para recibir actualizaciones
Nombre Localización Código del llamamiento Tipo de desastre Appeal type Orig. type Fecha
Population movements in Bas-Congo (appeal no.10/1999) - 1099 Population Movement Final Report
Displaced persons - 0 - Information Bulletin
Operational cooperation with Magen David Adom (MDA) - 0 - Programme Update
Floods and landslides (23/2002) - 2302 Flood Final Report
Floods (Appeal 04/2003) - 403 Flood Operations Update
Winter humanitarian needs (Appeal 37/2002) - 3702 - Appeal
Other Resoiurces Humanitarian Response - General P (MDR00003) - MDR00003 - Contributions List
Gambia - Windstorm Surge (MDRGM014) Gambia MDRGM014 Storm Surge DREF Operation DREF Operation
Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei (MAA50002) Malaysia MAA50002 - Plan Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei OP 2021
Ethiopia - Election Prep. May 2021 (MDRET025) Ethiopia MDRET025 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update 1
Afghanistan - Humanitarian Crises (MDRAF007) Afghanistan MDRAF007 Complex Emergency Operations Update Operations Update 1
Equatorial Guinea - Explosions in Bata (MDRGQ002) Equatorial Guinea MDRGQ002 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update 1