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Nombre Localización Código del llamamiento Tipo de desastre Appeal type Orig. type Fecha
Russian Federation (MAARU002) Russian Federation MAARU002 - Annual Report Russian Federation LTPF Annual Report 2014
Kyrgyzstan (MAAKG001) Kyrgyzstan MAAKG001 - Annual Report Kyrgyzstan LTPF Annual Report 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina (MAABA002) Bosnia And Herzegovina MAABA002 - Annual Report Bosnia and Herzegovina LTPF Annual Report 2014
Kazakhstan (MAAKZ001) Kazakhstan MAAKZ001 - Annual Report Kazakhstan LTPF Annual Report 2014
Belarus (MAABY002) Belarus MAABY002 - Annual Report Belarus LTPF Annual Report 2014
Georgia (MAAGE002) Georgia MAAGE002 - Annual Report Georgia LTPF Annual Report 2014
Azerbaijan (MAAAZ002) Azerbaijan MAAAZ002 - Annual Report Azerbaijan LTPF Annual Report 2014
Armenia (MAAAM002) Armenia MAAAM002 - Annual Report Armenia LTPF Annual Report 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Floods (MDRBA009) Bosnia And Herzegovina MDRBA009 Flood Operations Update Operations Update No. 3
Myanmar (MAAMM002) Myanmar MAAMM002 - Annual Report Annual report 2014
DREF - Disaster Response Emergency Fund (MDR00001) Switzerland MDR00001 - 12 month update 2014 Annual Report
Shelter and Settlements (MAA00019) Switzerland MAA00019 - Annual Report Annual Report 2014