
Suscribirse a la lista de correo para recibir actualizaciones
Nombre Localización Código del llamamiento Tipo de desastre Appeal type Orig. type Fecha
Mongolia - Extreme Winter Condition (MDRMN005) Mongolia MDRMN005 All other disaster and emergencies Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency appeal revised
Philippines - Typhoon and Floods (MDRPH020) Philippines MDRPH020 Cyclone 6 month update Operations Update no. 2 (6-month update)
Gabon - Election Preparedness (MDRGA007) Gabon MDRGA007 Civil Unrest DREF Operation DREF Operation
Dem Rep Congo - Epidemics: Yellow Fever, Cholera, (MDRCD018) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD018 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Guinea - Floods (MDRGN008) Guinea MDRGN008 Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Ecuador - Volcano Preparedness (MDREC010) Ecuador MDREC010 Volcanic Eruption DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Lesotho - Food Insecurity (MDRLS004) Lesotho MDRLS004 Food Insecurity Operations Update Operations Update No. 4
Nepal - Earthquake (MDRNP008) Nepal MDRNP008 Earthquake Audited Financial Statement Audited Financial Statement, 27.04.2105 - 31.12.2015
Italy - Population Movement (MDRIT002) Italy MDRIT002 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision no. 2
DR Congo - Yellow Fever (MDRCD017) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD017 Epidemic DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update No. 1
Rwanda - Burundi Refugees (MDRRW013) Rwanda MDRRW013 Population Movement Operations Update Operations update No. 4
Liberia - Margibi Floods (MDRLR002) Liberia MDRLR002 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation