
Flooding in Nigeria: ‘When the floods come again, we will be better prepared.’

Flooding in Nigeria: ‘When the floods come again, we will be better prepared.’

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Climate change made historic floods in southern Brazil twice as likely – Study

Climate change made historic floods in southern Brazil twice as likely – Study

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‘No such thing as a simple disaster’: Partnership to tackle complex food crises by addressing hunger on multiple fronts

‘No such thing as a simple disaster’: Partnership to tackle complex food crises by addressing hunger on multiple fronts

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Menstrual Hygiene Day: Menstruation doesn't stop during disasters

Menstrual Hygiene Day: Menstruation doesn't stop during disasters

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IFRC rolls out full climate action journey after successful National Society trials

IFRC rolls out full climate action journey after successful National Society trials

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Bolivia: Drought on the one hand, floods on the other — safe water a critical challenge in both cases

Bolivia: Drought on the one hand, floods on the other — safe water a critical challenge in both cases

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Whether flood, earthquake or other crisis, calamity has immediate and lasting impact on access to clean water

Whether flood, earthquake or other crisis, calamity has immediate and lasting impact on access to clean water

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The power of youth: In Vanuatu, young volunteers keep the water flowing

The power of youth: In Vanuatu, young volunteers keep the water flowing

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Off the radar: Ten disasters of 2023 you’ve likely never heard of

Off the radar: Ten disasters of 2023 you’ve likely never heard of

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Libya: A sudden flash flood took their lives, but their volunteer spirit lives on

Libya: A sudden flash flood took their lives, but their volunteer spirit lives on

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Three months after catastrophic floods, Libyan Red Crescent works on to support survivors

Three months after catastrophic floods, Libyan Red Crescent works on to support survivors

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IFRC at COP 28: The impacts are here, the time to act is now

IFRC at COP 28: The impacts are here, the time to act is now

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