IFRC mourns the killing of two MDA volunteers confirmed dead

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Photo: IFRC

It is with deep sadness that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) confirms the deaths of two Magen David Adom (MDA) volunteers, Lior Roduoif, 61, and Dolec Yehud, 35, following the attacks on 7 October.

Both volunteers were tragically killed in the line of duty. Lior Roduoif was kidnapped from the Kibutz Nir Itzhak and later confirmed dead. While Dolec Yehud was killed at the Kibbutz Nir Oz on 7 October, with his remains identified only after a complex forensic investigation.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the IFRC network has lost 26 members while on duty. Twenty staff and volunteers of the Palestine Red Crescent Society have been killed, 19 in the Gaza Strip and one in West Bank, and six from Magen David Adom in Israel.

The IFRC extends its deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of Lior Roduoif and Dolec Yehud. Protecting humanitarian workers is a legal and moral obligation.

We reiterate our call for the protection of humanitarian workers and urge all parties to respect international humanitarian law. The loss of our staff and volunteers is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by humanitarian workers in conflict.

Visit our In memoriam page to homage their service and their sacrifice.

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