
اشتركوا في قائمة العنوانين البريدية للحصول على التحديثات
الإسم الموقع رمز النداء المجالات Appeal type Orig. type التاريخ
Bangladesh - Population Movement (MDRBD018) Bangladesh MDRBD018 Population Movement Operations Update Operations Update 11
Uganda - Floods and Landslides (MDRUG042) Uganda MDRUG042 Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Turkey, Greece & Other Countries - Pop. Mvt (MDR65003) Hungary MDR65003 Population Movement Operations Update Operations Update no.2
West Africa - Ebola Virus Disease outbreak (MDREBOLA21) Kenya MDREBOLA21 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone Idai (MDRMZ014) Mozambique MDRMZ014 Cyclone Operations Update Operations update
IB Guinea_Ebola Virus Disease Guinea MDRGN012 Epidemic Information Bulletin IB Guinea_Ebola Virus Disease
Saint Lucia - Dengue 2020 (MDRLC004) Saint Lucia MDRLC004 Epidemic DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update 1
St Vincent & Grenadines - Dengue 2020 (MDRVC004) Saint Vincent And The Grenadines MDRVC004 Epidemic DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update 1
Costa Rica - Hurricane Eta (MDRCR018) Costa Rica MDRCR018 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update 1
Southern Africa - Drought (Food Insecurity Crisis) (MDR63003) South Africa MDR63003 Drought Operations Update Operations update
Nigeria - Yellow Fever Outbreak (MDRNG031) Nigeria MDRNG031 Epidemic DREF Operation Update DREF Operation update
Chad - Population Movement from Sudan (MDRTD019) Chad MDRTD019 Population Movement DREF Operation DREF Operation