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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Philippines: Floods Philippines 0 Flood Information Bulletin Information bulletin no. 1
Typhoon Utor (MDRPH012) Philippines MDRPH012 Cyclone DREF Operation DREF operation
Typhoon Utor Philippines 0 Cyclone Information Bulletin Information Bulletin no. 1
Typhoon Bopha (MDRPH011) Philippines MDRPH011 Cyclone Operations Update Operations update no. 5 - six-month consolidated report
Philippines (MAAPH001) Philippines MAAPH001 - Annual Report Annual report 2012
Typhoon Bopha (MDRPH011) Philippines MDRPH011 Cyclone Operations Update Operations update no. 4
Tropical Storm Washi (MDRPH008) Philippines MDRPH008 Cyclone 12 month update Operations update no. 8 - one-year consolidated report
Typhoon Nesat (MDRPH007) Philippines MDRPH007 Cyclone Final Report Final Report
Floods (MDRPH010) Philippines MDRPH010 Flood 6 month update Operations update no. 5 - six-month report
Typhoon Bopha (MDRPH011) Philippines MDRPH011 Cyclone Operations Update Operations update no. 3
Typhoon Bopha (MDRPH011) Philippines MDRPH011 Cyclone Operations Update Operations update no. 2
Philippines - Typhoon Bopha (MDRPH011) Philippines MDRPH011 Cyclone Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal