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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Yogyakarta earthquake (revised appeal no.MDRID001) Indonesia MDRID001 Earthquake Operations Update
Yogyakarta earthquake Indonesia 0 Earthquake Information Bulletin
Yogyakarta earthquake (appeal no.MDRID001) Indonesia MDRID001 Earthquake Preliminary Appeal
Yogyakarta earthquake Indonesia 0 Earthquake Information Bulletin
Mt Merapi volcanic activity Indonesia 0 - Information Bulletin
Mt. Merapi volcanic activity (02/2006) Indonesia 0 - Information Bulletin
Mt. Merapi volcanic activity (01/2006) Indonesia 0 - Information Bulletin
Flash floods and landslides Indonesia 0 Flood Information Bulletin
Flash floods and landslides Indonesia 0 Flood Information Bulletin
Mentawai earthquake Indonesia 0 Earthquake Information Bulletin
Indonesia earthquakes (25/2004) Indonesia 2504 Earthquake Final Report
Indonesia annual appeal (01.64/2004) Indonesia 16404 - Annual Report