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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Nepal - Earthquake (MDRNP008) Nepal MDRNP008 Earthquake Operations Update Operations Update 16
Ethiopia - Floods (MDRET018) Ethiopia MDRET018 Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Seychelles - Plague Preparedness (MDRSC005) Seychelles MDRSC005 Epidemic DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Mauritius - Plague preparedness (MDRMU001) Mauritius MDRMU001 Epidemic Final Report Final Report
Kenya - Marburg (MDRKE041) Kenya MDRKE041 Epidemic Final Report Final Report
DR Congo - Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak (MDRCD026) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD026 - Contributions List
DR Congo - Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak (MDRCD026) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD026 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Hurricane Irma - St Kitts and Antigua. (MDR49009) Trinidad And Tobago MDR49009 All other disaster and emergencies 6 month update 6 month update
Dominica - Hurricane Maria (MDRDM003) Dominica MDRDM003 All other disaster and emergencies 6 month update 6 month update
Colombia - Avalanche & Floods Risk (MDRCO015) Colombia MDRCO015 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation DREF Operation
Burundi - Floods (MDRBI014) Burundi MDRBI014 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
El Salvador - Earthquake (MDRSV011) El Salvador MDRSV011 Earthquake DREF Operation DREF Operation