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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Myanmar - Floods (MDRMM006) Myanmar MDRMM006 Flood Operations Update Operations Update no. 4
Ghana - Floods (MDRGH011) Ghana MDRGH011 Flood DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Africa - Ebola Coordination and preparedness (MDR60002) Kenya MDR60002 Epidemic Operations Update Combined Operations Update No 34
Sierra Leone - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRSL005) Sierra Leone MDRSL005 Epidemic Operations Update Combined Operations Update No. 37
Guatemala - Drought (MDRGT009) Guatemala MDRGT009 Drought 6 month update Operations Update no. 1 (6-month update)
Ethiopia - Population Movement (MDRET015) Ethiopia MDRET015 Population Movement Final Report Final Report
Vietnam - Drought and Saltwater intrusion (MDRVN013) Viet Nam MDRVN013 Drought DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update No. 1
Ecuador - Earthquake (MDREC012) Ecuador MDREC012 Earthquake Operations Update Operations Update 3
Bangladesh - Cyclone Komen (MDRBD015) Bangladesh MDRBD015 Cyclone Final Report Final Report 1
Sri Lanka - Support for IDP (MDRLK002) Sri Lanka MDRLK002 Population Movement Final Report Final Report 1
Angola - Yellow Fever (MDRAO006) Angola MDRAO006 Epidemic DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update no.2
Europe - Migration Coordination, Response and Pr (MDR65001) Hungary MDR65001 Population Movement Operations Update Operations Update No. 4