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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Côte d'Ivoire - Ebola Preparedness (MDRCI007) Cote D'Ivoire MDRCI007 Epidemic DREF Operation Ebola Preparedness Fund
Russia - Massive Forest Fire (MDRRU019) Russian Federation MDRRU019 Fire DREF Operation DREF Operation
Lebanon - Extreme weather condition (MDRLB005) Lebanon MDRLB005 Cold Wave DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update 1
Senegal - Food Insecurity (MDRSN011) Senegal MDRSN011 Food Insecurity Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Italy: Population movement Europe IB210415 Population Movement Information Bulletin Information Bulletin No.2
Italy: Population movement Europe IB210415 Population Movement Information Bulletin Information Bulletin No.1
Rwanda - Floods (MDRRW011) Rwanda MDRRW011 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Mozambique - Floods (MDRMZ011) Mozambique MDRMZ011 Flood Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision No. 1
Nigeria - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRNG017) Nigeria MDRNG017 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 20
Africa - Ebola Coordination and preparedness (MDR60002) Kenya MDR60002 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 21
Senegal - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRSN010) Senegal MDRSN010 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 18
Guinea - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRGN007) Guinea MDRGN007 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 22