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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
South Sudan - Population Movement from Sudan (MDRSS013) Republic of South Sudan MDRSS013 - Contributions List Donor Response
Gabon - Windstorm (MDRGA010) Gabon MDRGA010 Cyclone DREF Operation MDRGA010do
Chad - Pop. Movement 2023 (MDRTD022) Chad MDRTD022 - Contributions List Donor Response
Ethiopia - Population Movement from Sudan (MDRET030) Ethiopia MDRET030 - Contributions List Donor Response
Egypt - Population Movement 2023 (MDREG020) Egypt MDREG020 - Contributions List Donor Response
Sri Lanka - Dengue Outbreak & Floods (MDRLK017) Sri Lanka MDRLK017 Epidemic DREF Operation MDRLK017do
Turkiye - Earthquake (MDRTR004) Turkey MDRTR004 Earthquake Emergency Appeal Revision MDRTR004rea2
Myanmar - Cyclone Mocha (MDRMM018) Myanmar MDRMM018 Cyclone Operations Update MDRMM018_OU1
Central African Republic - Population Movement from Sudan (MDRCF030) Central African Republic MDRCF030 - Contributions List Donor Response
Italy - Flood 2023 (MDRIT004) Italy MDRIT004 Flood DREF Operation MDRIT004do
Sudan Crisis Regional Population Movement (MDRS1001) Kenya MDRS1001 Population Movement Emergency Appeal MDRS1001ea
Iran - Drought (MDRIR009) Iran, Islamic Republic Of MDRIR009 Drought Operations Update MDRIR009ou1