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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Solomon Islands (MAASB001) Solomon Islands MAASB001 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_PacificIslands
Fiji (MAAFJ002) Fiji MAAFJ002 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_PacificIslands
Marshall Islands (MAAMH001) Marshall Islands MAAMH001 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_PacificIslands
Pacific (MAA55001) Fiji MAA55001 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_PacificIslands
Estonia (MAAEE001) Estonia MAAEE001 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_Baltics
Russian Federation (MAARU003) Russian Federation MAARU003 - IFRC Network Plan INP_2023_BelarusRussia
Kenya - Cholera Outbreak (MDRKE054) Kenya MDRKE054 Epidemic DREF Operation MDRKE054do
Ethiopia - Food Insecurity (MDRET026) Ethiopia MDRET026 Food Insecurity DREF Operation Final Report MDRET026dfr
Thailand - Monsoon Floods 2022 (MDRTH002) Thailand MDRTH002 Flood DREF Operation Update MDRTH002du1
Costa Rica - Floods (MDRCR021) Costa Rica MDRCR021 - DREF Operation Update MDRCR021ou1
Sierra Leone - Funkia Fire Incident (MDRSL014) Sierra Leone MDRSL014 Fire DREF Operation MDRSL014do
Iran - Sisakht Earthquake (MDRIR004) Iran, Islamic Republic Of MDRIR004 Earthquake DREF Operation Final Report MDRIR004dfr