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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Chad - Pop. Movement 2023 (MDRTD022) Chad MDRTD022 Population Movement DREF Operation MDRTD022do
Equatorial Guinea - Explosions in Bata (MDRGQ002) Equatorial Guinea MDRGQ002 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation Final Report MDRGQ002dfr
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Operational strategy MGR65002_Lithuania_NS_Response_Plan
Turkiye - Earthquake (MDRTR004) Turkey MDRTR004 Earthquake Operations Update MDRTR004ou2
Sudan - Africa Complex Emergency (MDRSD033) Sudan MDRSD033 Complex Emergency DREF Operation MDRSD033do
Syria - Earthquake (MDRSY009) Syrian Arab Republic MDRSY009 Earthquake Operations Update MDRSY009ou1
Colombia - Election Preparedness (MDRCO020) Colombia MDRCO020 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report MDRCO020fr
Central America & Mexico - Migration Crisis (MDR43008) Panama MDR43008 Population Movement 6 month update EA Migration Crisis Update No3
Kenya - Cholera Outbreak (MDRKE054) Kenya MDRKE054 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRKE054du1
Uruguay - Drought (MDRUY004) Uruguay MDRUY004 Drought DREF Operation Update Operational Update Uruguay Droughts MDRUY004ou1
Ecuador - Landslides 2023 (MDREC022) Ecuador MDREC022 Landslide DREF Operation MDREC022do
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Operational strategy MGR65002 Estonia NS Response Plan