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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Bolivia - Drought (MDRBO015) Bolivia MDRBO015 Drought DREF Operation MDRBO015do
Bangladesh - Population Movement (MDRBD018) Bangladesh MDRBD018 Population Movement Operations Update MDRBD018OU18
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Operations Update MGR65002_OU8
Algeria - Mila Earthquake (MDRDZ005) Algeria MDRDZ005 Earthquake DREF Operation Final Report MDRDZ005dfr
Kyrgyzstan - Heat wave (MDRKG014) Kyrgyzstan MDRKG014 Heat Wave DREF/EAP Final Report MDRKG014eapfr
Gabon - Windstorm (MDRGA010) Gabon MDRGA010 Storm Surge DREF Operation Update MDRGA010du1
Côte d'Ivoire - Floods (MDRCI015) Cote D'Ivoire MDRCI015 Flood Final Report MDRCI015dfr
Nigeria - Diphtheria Outbreak (MDRNG037) Nigeria MDRNG037 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRNG037ou2
Uganda - Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak (MDRUG047) Uganda MDRUG047 Ebola Operations Update MDRUG047eu4
Guatemala - Tropical Storm Julia (MDRGT019) Guatemala MDRGT019 Storm Surge DREF Operation Final Report MDRGT019fr
Greece - Extreme Heat sEAP (MDRGR005) Greece MDRGR005 Heat Wave DREF/EAP Summary MDRGR005seap
Guatemala - Civil Unrest (MDRGT021) Guatemala MDRGT021 Civil Unrest DREF Operation MDRGT021do