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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Yemen (MAAYE001) Yemen MAAYE001 - Annual Report Yemen Annual report
Middle East and North Africa regional programmes (MAA80003) Lebanon MAA80003 - Annual Report MENA AR 14
North Africa (MAA82001) Tunisia MAA82001 - Annual Report NA Annual Report
Lebanon (MAALB001) Lebanon MAALB001 - Annual Report Lebanon Annual Report 2014
Chile - Earthquake (MDRCL012) Chile MDRCL012 Earthquake, Tsunami DREF Operation DREF operation
Nepal - Earthquake (MDRNP008) Nepal MDRNP008 Earthquake Operations Update Operations Update 7
Pakistan - Floods (MDRPK011) Pakistan MDRPK011 Flood Operations Update Operations Update no. 1
Kenya - Cholera Outbreak (MDRKE035) Kenya MDRKE035 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update no.1
Ethiopia - Population Movement (MDRET015) Ethiopia MDRET015 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Sierra Leone - Floods (MDRSL006) Sierra Leone MDRSL006 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Central African Republic - Civil Unrest (MDRCF017) Central African Republic MDRCF017 Civil Unrest Operations Update Operations Update No. 3
Costa Rica - Volcanic Eruption Resp. Prep. (MDRCR012) Costa Rica MDRCR012 Volcanic Eruption DREF Operation Final Report DREF Final report