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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Vanuatu - Ambae Volcanic Eruption 2018 (MDRVU006) Vanuatu MDRVU006 Volcanic Eruption DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update no. 1
Bolivia - Influenza Outbreak (MDRBO011) Bolivia MDRBO011 Epidemic DREF Operation DREF operation
Burkina Faso - Food & Nutritional Insecurity (MDRBF014) Burkina Faso MDRBF014 Food Insecurity DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Bangladesh - Floods (MDRBD020) Bangladesh MDRBD020 Flood Operations Update Operations Update 2
Uganda - Population Movement (MDRUG038) Uganda MDRUG038 Population Movement Operations Update Operations Update 6
DR Congo - Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak (MDRCD026) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD026 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Republic of the Congo - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRCG015) Congo MDRCG015 Epidemic DREF Operation DREF operation
Europe: Population movement Middle East and North Africa IB140618 Population Movement Information Bulletin Information bulletin No. 1
Chad -Population Movement (MDRTD017) Chad MDRTD017 Population Movement DREF Operation Update DREF operation update no. 1
Iraq - Earthquake (MDRIQ009) Iraq MDRIQ009 Earthquake DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Bosnia and Herzegovina Population Movement Bosnia And Herzegovina IB120618 Population Movement Information Bulletin Information bulletin No. 1
Guatemala - Vocano Eruption (MDRGT013) Guatemala MDRGT013 Volcanic Eruption Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal