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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Cameroon - Floods (MDRCM034) Cameroon MDRCM034 Flood DREF Operation MDRCM034do
Ghana - Floods (MDRGH018) Ghana MDRGH018 Flood DREF Operation MDRGH018do
Kenya - Mass Casualty Incident in Kilifi (MDRKE057) Kenya MDRKE057 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation Update MDRKE057du1
Honduras - dengue (MDRHN019) Honduras MDRHN019 Epidemic DREF Operation MDRHN019do
Algeria - wild fires (MDRDZ009) Algeria MDRDZ009 Fire DREF Operation MDRDZ009do
Indonesia - Earthquakes and Tsunamis (MDRID013) Indonesia MDRID013 Earthquake Audited Financial Statement MDRID013afs20-22
Afghanistan - Floods (MDRAF012) Afghanistan MDRAF012 Flood DREF Operation MDRAF012do
Philippines - Typhoon (MDRPH052) Philippines MDRPH052 Cyclone DREF Operation MDRPH052do
Zimbabwe - Elections Preparedness (MDRZW022) Zimbabwe MDRZW022 - DREF Operation MDRZW022do
Bulgaria - Floods (MDRBG003) Bulgaria MDRBG003 Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRBG003dfr
Greece - Wildfires (MDRGR004) Greece MDRGR004 Fire DREF Operation Final Report MDRGR004dfr
Central African Rep - Fires & Strong winds Bakala (MDRCF028) Central African Republic MDRCF028 Fire DREF Operation Final Report MDRCF028dfr