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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Vietnam - Floods (MDRVN020) Viet Nam MDRVN020 Flood Final Report Final Report
Ethiopia - Hunger Crisis (MDRET027) Ethiopia MDRET027 - Contributions List Donor Response
Somalia - Hunger Crisis 2021-2022 (MDRSO011) Somalia MDRSO011 Drought 6 month update 6 Month Ops Update
Ethiopia - Hunger Crisis (MDRET027) Ethiopia MDRET027 Drought Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Somalia - Hunger Crisis 2021-2022 (MDRSO011) Somalia MDRSO011 Drought Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Kenya - Hunger Crisis 2021-2022 (MDRKE049) Kenya MDRKE049 Drought Emergency Appeal Revision Emergency Appeal Revision
Gambia - IDPs West Region (MDRGM015) Gambia MDRGM015 Population Movement DREF Operation Update DREF Operation update
Pakistan - Balochistan Earthquake (MDRPK021) Pakistan MDRPK021 Earthquake DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Angola - Food Insecurity (MDRAO007) Angola MDRAO007 Food Insecurity DREF Operation Update DREF Operations update
Mozambique, Africa 2021-22 Floods and Cyclones (MDRMZ016) Mozambique MDRMZ016 - Operations Update Operations update
Sudan - Floods (MDRSD028) Sudan MDRSD028 Flood Operations Update Operations Update
Afghanistan - Humanitarian Crises (MDRAF007) Afghanistan MDRAF007 - Operations Update Operations Update 3