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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Philippines - Tayum Abra Earthquake (MDRPH047) Philippines MDRPH047 Earthquake DREF Operation Final Report MDRPH047dfr
Ethiopia - Tigray Crisis (MDRET029) Ethiopia MDRET029 Complex Emergency DREF Operation Update MDRET029du1
Sao Tome And Principe - Worsening Dengue Outbreak (MDRST002) Sao Tome And Principe MDRST002 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRST002du1
Tanzania - Marburg Outbreak (MDRTZ033) Tanzania, United Republic Of MDRTZ033 Epidemic DREF Operation MDRTZ033do
Ecuador - Esmeralda Earthquake 6.0 (MDREC019) Ecuador MDREC019 Earthquake DREF Operation Final Report MDREC019fr
Iran - Earthquake Khoy West Azarbayejan EQ 2023 (MDRIR013) Iran, Islamic Republic Of MDRIR013 Earthquake DREF Operation Update MDRIR013dou
Algeria - Forest Wildfires (MDRDZ008) Algeria MDRDZ008 Fire DREF Operation Update MDRDZ008DU
Equatorial Guinea - Marburg Outbreak (MDRGQ003) Equatorial Guinea MDRGQ003 - Contributions List Donor Response
Mozambique - Floods (MDRMZ020) Mozambique MDRMZ020 Flood DREF Operation Update MDRMZ020dU1
Equatorial Guinea - Marburg Outbreak (MDRGQ003) Equatorial Guinea MDRGQ003 Epidemic Emergency Appeal MDRGQ003ea
Republic of Congo - Pop. Movement from DRC (MDRCG019) Congo MDRCG019 Population Movement DREF Operation Update MDRCG019du1
Ecuador - Civil Unrest (MDREC020) Ecuador MDREC020 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report MDREC020fr