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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Sudan Crisis Regional Population Movement (MDRS1001) Kenya MDRS1001 Population Movement Operational strategy MDRS1001_os
Chile - Floods June 2023 (MDRCL016) Chile MDRCL016 Flood DREF Operation MDRCL016do
DR Congo - EVD 15th Outbreak (MDRCD038) Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The MDRCD038 Epidemic DREF Operation Final Report MDRCD038dfr
Turkiye - Earthquake (MDRTR004) Turkey MDRTR004 Earthquake Operations Update MDRTR004ou3
Ukraine and impacted countries crisis (MGR65002) Hungary MGR65002 Population Movement Operations Update MGR65002_OU7
Serbia - Flood June 2023 (MDRRS015) Serbia MDRRS015 Flood DREF Operation MDRRS015do
Mauritania - Hunger Crisis (MDRMR013) Mauritania MDRMR013 Food Insecurity DREF Operation Final Report MDRMR013dfr
Mozambique - Cholera Outbreak and Floods Readiness (MDRMZ019) Mozambique MDRMZ019 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRMZ019du1
Sri Lanka - Extreme Weather (MDRLK015) Sri Lanka MDRLK015 Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRLK015_dfr
Madagascar - Heavy Rains and Tropical Storm (MDRMG018) Madagascar MDRMG018 Pluvial/Flash Flood Operations Update MDRMG018ou5
Gabon - Anticipatory actions for Marburg risk (MDRGA009) Gabon MDRGA009 Epidemic DREF Operation Update MDRGA009du1
Papua New Guinea - Civil Unrest (MDRPG011) Papua New Guinea MDRPG011 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report MDRPG011dfr