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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Liberia - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRLR001) Liberia MDRLR001 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No.15
Niger - Cholera (MDRNE014) Niger MDRNE014 Epidemic DREF Operation DREF Operation
Guinea - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRGN007) Guinea MDRGN007 Epidemic 6 month update 6 month update
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Extreme Winter Conditions Republic of North Macedonia IB030115 All other disaster and emergencies Information Bulletin Information bulletin no. 1
Malaysia: Seasonal Floods 2014 Malaysia MDRMY002 Flood, Pluvial/Flash Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Lebanon, Jordan & Iraq - Population Movement (MDR81003) Lebanon MDR81003 Population Movement Final Report Preliminary Final Report
Maldives - Water Crisis (MDRMV002) Maldives MDRMV002 All other disaster and emergencies DREF Operation Update DREF Operation Update
Kenya - Civil Unrest Wajir and Mandera (MDRKE028) Kenya MDRKE028 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report DREF Operation Final Report
Ethiopia - Population Movement (MDRET015) Ethiopia MDRET015 Population Movement Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Malaysia: Seasonal Floods 2014 Malaysia 0 Flood, Pluvial/Flash Flood Information Bulletin Information bulletin no. 1
Senegal - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRSN010) Senegal MDRSN010 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 9
Africa - Ebola Coordination and preparedness (MDR60002) Kenya MDR60002 Epidemic Operations Update Operations Update No. 13