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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Tainan City: Earthquake Taiwan, Province Of China 0 Earthquake Information Bulletin Information bulletin no. 1
Lesotho - Food Insecurity (MDRLS004) Lesotho MDRLS004 Food Insecurity Operations Update Operations Update No. 1
Guatemala - Drought (MDRGT009) Guatemala MDRGT009 Drought Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Senegal - Ebola Virus Disease (MDRSN010) Senegal MDRSN010 Epidemic Final Report Final Report
Ethiopia - Drought (MDRET016) Ethiopia MDRET016 Drought Operations Update Operation update 2
Tanzania - Floods (MDRTZ019) Tanzania, United Republic Of MDRTZ019 Flood DREF Operation DREF Operation
Senegal - Food Insecurity (MDRSN011) Senegal MDRSN011 Food Insecurity 6 month update 6 Month Update
Cameroon - Population Movement (MDRCM021) Cameroon MDRCM021 Population Movement Operations Update Emergency appeal Operation update no.4
Zika Virus Disease Global Response (MDR42003) Panama MDR42003 Epidemic Emergency Appeal Emergency Appeal
Migration response - Europe Region Middle East and North Africa IB010216 - Information Bulletin Information Bulletin No. 6
Rwanda - Burundi Refugees (MDRRW012) Rwanda MDRRW012 Population Movement Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report
Niger - Measles & Meningitis (MDRNE015) Niger MDRNE015 Epidemic Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report Preliminary DREF Operation Final Report