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Name Location Appeal code Disaster type Appeal type Orig. type Date
Dominican Republic - Floods (MDRDO016) Dominican Republic MDRDO016 Flood DREF Operation MDRDO016 activation
Libya - Flood Storm Daniel (MDRLY005) Libya MDRLY005 Flood Operational strategy MDRLY005rOS
Guinea - Floods : Coyah (MDRGN015) Guinea MDRGN015 Flood DREF Operation Update MDRGN015ou1
Afghanistan - Population Movement (MDRAF013) Afghanistan MDRAF013 Population Movement DREF Operation MDRAF013do
Tanzania - Floods in Mtwara 2023 (MDRTZ034) Tanzania, United Republic Of MDRTZ034 Pluvial/Flash Flood DREF Operation Final Report MDRTZ034dfr
Serbia - Flood June 2023 (MDRRS015) Serbia MDRRS015 Flood DREF Operation Update MDRRS015du
Somalia - Population Movement (MDRSO015) Somalia MDRSO015 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Final Report MDRSO015dfr
Nepal - Earthquake (MDRNP016) Nepal MDRNP016 Earthquake Operational strategy MDRNP016OS
Ethiopia - Civil Unrest (MDRET031) Ethiopia MDRET031 Civil Unrest DREF Operation Update MDRET031du1
Afghanistan - Humanitarian Crises (MDRAF007) Afghanistan MDRAF007 Complex Emergency Operations Update Herat Earthquake OS Operations Update 1
INP_2023_Mozambique (INP_2023_MAAMZ003) Mozambique INP_2023_MAAMZ003 - Mid-year IFRC Network Plan Report INP_2023_MYR_Mozambique
INP_2023_Panama (INP_2023_MAAPA002) Panama INP_2023_MAAPA002 - Mid-year IFRC Network Plan Report INP_2023_MYR_Panama